Nov 24, 2005 12:29
I typically don't ask for things for Christmas, paticularly because I don't like christmas. This year, I'm breaking down and asking for something I probably won't get. Airfare to LA, A hotel for 4 nights, and $1,000.
I need these things to attend Michael O Rourke's institute of courage. It's a new haircutting academy opening in 2006. Upon opening, Michael will be teaching a three day class to only 25 students. Michael O Rourke is my idol, and it's my dream to meet him one day, but learning from him in person would take it to a whole new level.
Most people outside of the hair industry don't know who Michael is, but taking a class taught by him is equal to Jimi Hendrix teaching you how to play the guitar or Michal Jordan teaching you how to play basketball.
I would give anything for this opportunity.