Post Secret.

Oct 29, 2005 19:59

I don't own a cellphone, an iPod, XBox or Playstation. ...and yet my favourite websites are Engadget and Gizmodo. I'm an early non-adopter.'s one of my secrets.

I'll be attending 21 hockey games this year, am glued to my couch on Sundays for 7+ hours watching the NFL, can tell you that the dream matchup in tennis right now would be a healthy Federer against Raphael Nadal, and reminisce about the days Missy Giove was the mountain biking world's reigning downhiller. The boy is a closeted sports fan. My wife didn't know until we had moved in together. In Europe I was a sensitive boy with refined taste. She says that if she'd have known who I really was, we might never have gotten together.

I love the rich. The contemptuous attitude, the material belongings, the connections, the privilege [of breaking the law sans repercussion], the occasional allowable insanity ("eccentricity"). Everything about the lifestyle is wrong, and yet so right.

The harmless ones at least.
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