Mar 18, 2009 16:42
I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing, i.e. homework.
I'm posting here more than I post at my public blog. :/ I'm weird like that.
Or maybe it's because I know nobody reads my lj. It feels more secure. ._.
God I just saw 4:44pm. That really isn't a very nice number combination, is it?
My mum says I can use my ATM card and buy my own stuff.
There's like so many things I wish to own, but.. I must save money.
Especially now, splurging on materialistic things is the last thing I should be doing. However tempting it is.
Sleepy afternoons.
They say a 30min quick nap helps to make you more alert, but I'm afraid I won't be able to wake up after 30min once I land on my bed. ._.
I do not know why am I posting about such random stuffs here.
I have so much to say, and yet..
I don't know how to put them into words. :l