Mini update

Apr 13, 2007 18:30

Graduated the other week from Uni, picture link below:¤t=IMG_2968.jpg
(Edit: hmmm Photobucket changed the format on me!)

Picked up an awesome piece of brasswork from a mate's now deceased grandfathers house, was either going to me or the rubbish he said, didnt let that pass me by, pics will follow laters once I find the damn camera.

Plan on seeing 300 this weekend as well as starting once again to complete the reading of Robin Hobb's third series and doing a bit of WoW attunement over the next few nights, being interrupted by some mindless violence when I go to see 300 Sunday night with a cousin before he leaves on a round the world trip. Hmm everyone seems to be buggering off lately, must need to change deoderant...

Also taking spare sleep which anyone has stored up as I seem to be in dire need of it to the point of almost being dizzy sometimes.

Laters, family members and dinner calls!
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