It's been a while I havent update (always the same line orz) I am already on holiday, so I'll update frequently ^3^ expect some more updates!
For the spuk doujin shot, I'll name it 1.5 cos it should be in an own post, and of course with more amount. For the doctor who.. asdkd I like David Tennant with glasses okay. I collect the screenshot of him with brainy specs. I am suck at searching, I'll find and make more! ;;3;;
this week's update: [144] [31] Darker Than Black | vary [41] Mawaru Penguindrum | focuse on Shoma/Ringo but vary [41] Hetalia | Spain/England doujin shots set 1.5 [31] Doctor Who | 10th with brainy specs preview:
Doctor Who 001002003 004005006 007008009 010011012 013014015 016017018 019020021 022023024 025026027 028029030 031
☆ Comment if you take. ☆ Watch if you love my works. ☆ no need to credit, but if you want please credit eithernakaisan (me) or this community. ☆ how to credit (see bellow):