[ #030] Taiwanese Days

Aug 01, 2011 01:33

late update thanks to LJ being a derp (andmyinternetisaloser).

Also been busy preparing fasting month that is tomorrow and also school.

I hope you're satisfied on this update!
Taiwan is one of my favorite female characters! (after Belgium and Hungary)
The Harry Potter fanarts I brought from my fuckyeah-hp-pixiv. I really hope you recognize the characters. c: -or else that means I was making useless icons- also it's just a part of Harry's parents's past. The other category like Harry-Ron-Hermione would be made later~

This week's update : [71]
[39] Hetalia : Taiwan
[32] Harry Potter :  Past parents 


























Comment - If you take
Watch - If you love my works
No need to credit me. 
Just dont claim it as yours.

PROMOTION section :(*) fyeahtomatonchips - those who ships SpainUK / UKSpain should follow that tumblr (run by me and some friends)

(*) tomatoxrose- my graphic blog. I update daily. 
(*) fuckyeah-hp-pixiv - whenever I found a Harry Potter fanart on Pixiv, I share it directly to there.

hetalia, harry potter, icons, taiwan

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