random fic

Mar 06, 2008 01:34

I've been trying to pinpoint just why this fic (Michael/Lincoln, NC-17, Lincoln pays for a prostitute for Michael, but becomes jealous) works so well for me. Then I realized. It's because other than a hot angry Michael, it just captures a perfect dense Lincoln, incredibly clueless about why what he is doing is totally inappropriate.

Walking In Your Shoes, a very sweet and sad Michael and LJ Gen story. Will make you ache for them.

I have such a huge, huge, huge kink for slash a couple who isn't or shouldn't be a couple makes out or is affectionate in front of an audience. Combined with my fondness for "excuse slash" (like truth or dare, having to pose as a couple etc...), oh man! This fic? (M/L, R) is like heaven to me. Because it's not just one, but 5 different scenes with the scenario. And hot and well written and just perfect for me too.

Man, thank you r_o_k, it's Ronnie/Ben MMAS slash. Feels so weird! But I just love that you can find any kind of oddball pairings on the internet.

Also: Guh aka Hot Bollywood Guy picturespam!

mmas, pb, pimp, bw, m/l

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