Finally saw the plane episode of House. Is it just me, or has Cuddy been acting extremely star struck around House lately? At first I noticed it during the baby episode when she handed him the plane tickets and was all giddy like a schoolgirl. Yes, yes, it could just been that she was happy that that baby and its mother were saved, but still... And there was her glee at finding out House's jealousy over marine guy. I keep reading her as getting her hopes up regarding House (even if it just might be "House is a good person after all!") and being disappointed. Compared to that I actually read House as pulling away from her. He obviously likes her and enjoys, errr, the physical comedy between them and now he is starting to pull away because he also sees the "getting her hopes up" vibes from Cuddy. I think he wants to continue being playful with her, but he's a bit scared because he actually doesn't want it to be more serious.
I don't really think that Cameron is a bitch or a slut for sleeping with Chase. I actually quite relate to her "I'm a professional woman, I just want a no strings attached relationship, why won't anybody let me?" problem.
I actually read her as this:
When she came around she saw House, this big challenge and was into him. Obviously that didn't work out. Working with House affected her, disillusioned her in some areas, made her second guess herself (euthanasia), made her more shrewd. I think she saw how self destructive House was during the Tritter arc. I think she was afraid that she would get sucked back into him at one point or that she was/would forever be stuck in a rut. She wasn't ready for a new relationship yet, but she felt she needed to break out of her rut and that's where Chase came in. I think she probably had some "Wow, I haven't had sex in ages, House clearly isn't healthy for me" realization. I'm actually curious to see whether we will get very bitchy, because she isn't getting any sex/is in sex withdrawal Cameron.
I do think that she picked Chase for selfish reasons. She picked him because he wasn't any danger *to her* and didn't much think about whether it would be any danger for him. I mean, if she wanted no strings attached sex, Foreman would obviously be a much better choice (just look at how and why his last relationship ended). But I think Cameron is attracted to a challenge and that is what drew her to House initially. If she was with Foreman then maybe his stand offish attitude would eventually pique her ego and she would try to fix him/get him to open up to people. With Chase that isn't a problem because she doesn't perceive him as a challenge. That said, Cameron's energizer bunny desire was kind of annoying at times. I don't mind that it's over. Again, I'm hoping for cranky, sexually frustrated Cam (at least I dearly hope she sticks with her "and now it's over" declaration).
Wilson... I actually saw Wilson going for the hooker as him, kinda like Cam, also thinking that he needs to get a life. I think House has been pulling away from him somewhat, mostly illustrated by House looking in on the ducklings in the restaurant. I actually see that less as a betrayal fallout, but more maybe that House in wondering whether it wouldn't be nice to have friends other than just Wilson in his life. I think he is still pretty ambivalent towards it all. But when we see him apparently depressed (like at the end of the baby episode, alone at his apartment after he has thrown away the plane tickets), I think that makes him quite different from the House from the earlier seasons. I think that House was more convinced that he was okay with his situation. While the current House seems more like he wonders if there is more out there and maybe there is more he could do (what prompted it? the ducklings? Stacy? getting weaned off the drugs for a bit? getting shot? gaining use of his leg for one episode?).
In other news, omg, you chance to
drop Foreman prompts at the foreman_fest. Come on, no fic writing required, just ideas!
ETA: the ones I want the most:
11. Foreman/Cuddy - Foreman wants to know if Cuddy really is a man. (Evil! I love it!)
10. Foreman/Cameron - She wants House. She wants Chase. Why does she never want him?(well, I think everybody knows how I feel about Foreman/Cameron...)
39. Foreman and Steve McQueen undergo a brain exchange and Foreman lives at House's apartment for a week. What's it like and what does he learn? (OMG, out of all the ones mentioned, I want this one the most. You just know that his thoughts would be hilarious.)
5. Foreman and Wilson talk about missing brothers, and family. (yes, yes, yes please)
Chase is angsty after Cameron 'dumps' him at the end of Airborne, and Foreman can't stand it any more.(yes please, always, Foreman/Chase)
Foreman/Cuddy- Foreman is straight, no-matter what House might say.(Sounds like it could be an interesting setup)
Foreman is actually kind of a grammar-nazi. House finds out. Chaos ensues.(Heh)
Foreman teaches Wendy to like jazz. (Obviously through lots and lots of hot sexxin'.)(Oh man! [though potentiall replace "Wendy" with "any character"])
Everyone at Foreman's funeral says what they really think.(Sad, but could be interesting. Especially if is an AU to Euphoria.)
Foreman/That Awesome Hooker From Airborne. I DON'T KNOW WHY. STOP JUDGING ME.(LOL)
Foreman gives a speech at a medical conference, and all the questions he's asked are about dealing with House. Foreman/House.
Foreman's first girlfriend./Foreman's first gang.
Foreman/House - Foreman wants to go back to California with Marty. House wants him to stay. A date worked with Cameron--will it work again?(snerk)
Foreman/House - Foreman breaks into House's place to prove a point.(Guh!)
Foreman is a vampire.(*dies from pictures the Eric²* [obviously thinking of Foreman/Blade aka Eric Brooks])
Foreman has a skill that surprises everyone.(mind going to a dirty place...)
Foreman worked in California, and knows some very famous people.(ditto...)
Some time after their fellowships are over, Foreman flies to a conference in Australia.
2. Foreman finds out Wilson and House are a couple, and blackmails House into a medical treatment for a patient, or else he tells the other fellows. How does House react? (I would love that as a total power play kind of thing; where he does it mostly o annoy House. I wouldn't even necessarily have to be over House/Wilson, but just blackmailing House over something.)
10. Foreman gets high. (House has Vicodin/LSD/etc., Cameron has meth, Wilson has a stash of pot, Chase snorts hair gel... What about Foreman?)(Here, I was mostly thinking about Foreman approaching one of those people and asking them to share...)
Forman discovers that Chase is...The Tranny Nurse!
Also guh! for Medieval AU, Pirate AU and especially WWII soldier AU. Just GUH!
60. Foreman takes Chase to the zoo.(Must. Not. Snicker. At. Mental. Image)