Foreman finds

Apr 01, 2007 22:08

Well there is next to no Foreman fic to be found at house_md_news. Maybe around 10 stories when I use up to "skip=50".

But, I'm actually quite satisfied with what I found.

Substitution (Foreman/Cameron, PG-ish): This one is really short (around 600 words), but I loooove it. Seriously. I always thought that Foreman/Cameron had a lot of mindfuck potential and that ficlet just hits my opinion of them perfectly. Love it.

Perversity (Wilson/Foreman, R-ish): Same author as a above, longer than Substitution but still fairly short. A little Wilson/Foreman revenge diddle with a drunk Wilson. I like it aplenty. Very tantalizing (for anybody worried, House/Wilson OTP still firmly in place). There's something very subtle about it and I like the impression about Foreman's potentially dubious motivation.

No Stones In Heaven (Foreman, Gen): Beautiful Foreman Gen fic. Just really, really good. Give it a try.

New Jersey Winter (Chase/Foreman, PG): I really enjoyed this. It's really a Gen type of story, it's snowing heavily, Chase starts to notice that Foreman is acting strange, an old woman froze to death on the street... I really enjoy the way it is written. It's a chapter story though, but the first two parts, I really enjoyed the character interaction.

Boss of Me (Chase/Foreman, NC17): Another one of those "power play gets out of control/turns sexual" stories, but very well written. Same author as above.

50 sentences Theme Delta (House/Foreman, G to light NC-17): Now I tend to avoid 50 sentences except for pairings I really love or for authors I really adore. But hey, anything for Foreman. I actually realized I actually like the ones further down the list. I don't know if they actually got better and better or whether I just got into the groove of the relationship. I wonder if they were written chronologically?

One Strange Night (Chase/Foreman, PG13-NC17): Is a multipart (7 parts to be exact) Chase/Foreman fic. I quote like it. It's not finished yet (cruelly it stops at a very, very cruel part). I actually like the charactization in this one. I guess it can be a bit hard to read for people who don't like switching POVs (because of that events sometimes get repeated, first what Chase thinks about it, then what Foreman thinks about it). It's a nice little "Chase and Foreman got to club together, are mistaken for a couple, drinks are involved..." piece. And personally it's one of those clichees that I rather adore, sue me. I also really liked how the characters were laid out in the first two chapters in particular. It's 6 chapters of pure UST and slowly progressing digging each other and checking each other out and then moves to a so far pretty hot resolution. It's a very solid Chase/Foreman fic if you can look past the switching POVs.

Wherein Foreman and Chase Have Sex (And House is There Too) (Foreman/Chase, NC17): Another Simmyschtuff one where House catches Foreman and Chase together. Totally worth it for the last line.

She's So Lovely (House/Wilson, Chase/Foreman, various pairings, humorfic): Basically, what if most of the House characters (basically everybody except Chase and Wilson who are crybabies) were ACME villains and everybody reacted anime style. Now I personally dislike fic in script format and it's a bit on the manic side, but I have to admit that parts of this are quite funny. Tritter (to Wilson): You’re adorable, and I like your blow-dried hair! If you were my boyfriend, I would never let you go!

Night Out(Chase/Cam, Foreman, PG): Small fic about all three of them at a club together (C/C dancing involved). I love me some duckling action, so this is very much fine with me.

Strip Poker Games(House/Wilson/Chase/Foreman, NC17): BDSM-y power game group sex thingie. Probably well written if you are into that kind of thing. Foreman plays a rather minor role by comparison.

Bruise (House/Foreman, NC17): Violent/Anger sex (but more thriff rather than real anger) at the background of an established relationship.

RPS (Omar Epps/Jesse Spencer, NC-17): Again, not the biggest actor rps fan, but I rather like idea of switching back and forth between characters and such. Nice and short.

Wind-up Toy (House/Foreman+Wilson, NC17): Voyeuristic watches a rather dark House/Foreman encounter. The language is a bit clinical for my taste.

Coming Out Trilogy (Foreman/Chase): Pretty basic story about Foreman and Chase coming out about their relationship. Foreman is a bit emo for my taste.

There's quite a bit of graphic Chase/Foreman, often established relationship, often with a a powerplay dynamic by simmysim and onewayfreak. (did I mention hot?)

foreman, recs, house

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