
Dec 04, 2005 18:13

  • I've been musing about T-Bag characterization. Namely characterization that might be too positive and friendly to him. Question number 1 is of course how realistic it is. To this the answer is obviously that all people have their good and their bad sides. The fact that he is an evil pedophile doesn't change the fact that he also has real issues that are independent of that. So, is it "ok" to write fics which focus on these issues and do not pay attention to the fact that he is an evil pedophile? Does every story need to have a disclaimer "BTW, in case you don't know, he is evil.". Should every fic have at least one throwaway moment to remind us that he is evil? Can anything ever be considered a full representation of his character if there is not a moment like this? Then again, if a fic just covers a very small slice of his time, it could be completely fitting. After all, one would expect T-Bag to be able to go through lets say 5 minutes without doing something evil or creepy. For the record, I'm still on the fence on this issue.
  • There's been a lot of talk about how somebody should write a fanfiction about Michael's therapy sessions. Which kinda got me thinking. For no apparent reason, I totally picture Linc as a guy who would hate/refuse therapy. It's weird because I have no problem picturing opening up to a priest, but I just can't see him in a therapy type environment. Though I remember reading one fic which I think mentioned him being in therapy after Mike dies during the break out. Oddly enough, I have no problem picturing that (plus it came out in the fic that it's not like the therapy did him any good). But yeah, that's my view on him. Then again, if he were the type of guy who would be dismissive of those kind of things, wouldn't that make his relatively short stays in jail (on his priors) relatively unlikely?
  • I'm watching some old episodes of Oz that I hadn't seen before. I never used to understand all the McManus hate, (I rather liked him, especially when he was sleeping with the blonde C.O.), but boy do I get it now. For one Omar White is like my most hated character of the whole show. I feel like throttling him whenever he comes on screen. Can anybody explain to me why McManus likes Omar? And then there is this whole thing with McManus' vanity basket ball game. Urgh. Can't stand you anymore.
  • I never cared much for Ryan/Gloria, but seeing them (Ryan just begged Gloria [the doctor] to help him escape. With his brother. *snerk* And she says no.), just reminds me how much, much better the writing is for them compared to Prison Break in the same situation. Seriously, Ryan/Gloria is gold compared to that.

oz, prison break

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