
Apr 20, 2011 00:10

( fandom student application )
[REVISED 4/25] added his last name

PLAYER: tkino
AGE: 25
CONTACT: aim: lumberjack end

NAME: Weiss Thynne
AGE: 18
ENROLLMENT Athletic scholarship for football (soccer)

APPEARANCE: Weiss stands 5'8" and looks like the athlete he is: as a soccer player, he's pretty lean and wiry. Off the field (when not in his school uniform), he tends to dress well - khakis, button down shirt that's always tucked in, nice shoes - nothing expensive, but God forbid his shirt is wrinkled. He has white hair and green eyes and almost always has a very upright, proper posture.

Weiss is difficult, in most senses of the word. A classic case of a jerk with a heart of gold (more on that much later), he can tax all but the most patient of people. Weiss is a pretty arrogant and pompous guy - it can be like pulling teeth to get him to admit that he's wrong, though he doesn't claim to know everything. To top it off, he can be very stubborn and inflexible: for instance, he won't tolerate football being called soccer around him. Weiss is an honest guy, though, so he won't go too far, but (there's always a but with Weiss) it does mean he's not a very tactful person. It's less that he chooses to be bluntly honest and more that he doesn't always seem to understand the meaning of tact. Weiss can be, unfortunately, somewhat of an idiot when it comes to socializing. And it doesn't help that he usually has a pessimistic outlook on life and people. He often expects the worse from people. It takes a lot to change his mind, and even then he might not voice it out loud. In fact, at one point in canon he even says, "I have my companions. They're weak and they whine when I leave. It's almost too much trouble. But they are my friends." He's not exactly Mr. Affectionate.

However, after all of that, the guy has to have some good points, right? Thankfully he does, that heart of gold mentioned earlier. For all of his attitude, Weiss is a well-intentioned individual - none of his comments are meant maliciously. How harshly he speaks to someone isn't an indication of how he feels about that person - it's a reflection of how that person reacts to him. People who push back will be treated to more biting commentary, while anyone who actually gets upset will make him backpedal. He'll also be a lot nicer off the bat to younger kids, though don't expect him to be a pushover. For better or worse, he's a very honorable guy. He's not going to cheat to get ahead and while he's willing to bend a few rules here or there, it's all in the name of the greater good. And he is fair about it: if he holds people to a high standard, then at least it's the same one that he holds himself too. He can sound like a curmudgeonly old man at times when talking about values or morals, but that's because those things are important to him.

Those willing to put up with Weiss will eventually discover that he's not nearly so bad as he seems. At times he can be quite childlike, almost naïve, with a deeply buried idealism, a simple faith that things can and will turn out the way they should. He is also an extremely loyal friend, willing to go to lengths to help those he cares about. Just don't expect him to ever say that in so many words. He might surprise you, but probably not.

In the end, Weiss flourishes as a member of a team. While he likes to have a large or an important role and to be valued, he's quite happy to sit back and let others take the lead, sometimes putting a "I can't be bothered" sort of spin on it. But in many ways he's a better talker than a doer: Weiss, as grumpy as he is, can often be the voice of reason and moderation. His distant and detached attitude gives him a different perspective on things, allowing him to be better at understanding other people than himself. His understanding is still not perfect, but anything's better than zero. So while he's definitely an acquired taste, he's a good person to have around.

COMPUTER APTITUDE: Average. Weiss isn't going to blow anything up, but he's not going to be hacking anything either. To be more specific: Weiss is going to be fairly familiar with computers and basic programs: he can play games, use Word/Excel, and knows how to avoid getting viruses. But once you start getting into technical stuff, his eyes glaze over. He's able to use basic html tags, but wouldn't know where to start if he wanted to create a website.

He steps out onto the pitch under the bright lights and to the roar of the crowd. As his team lines up for the pre-game ceremony, he looks into the stands, seeing people wearing the English jersey, many of those his own number 9. The Baron Thynne, commonly known by his nickname Weiss, smiles.

The only child of the Viscount Weymouth, Weiss has lived side by side with tradition all his life. After all, tradition and title are the sum and total of his family's legacy - one might assume that a noble title offered him wealth and opportunity, and while the second one existed from time to time, the first most certainly did not. It didn't help (neither the tradition nor the money situation) that his father worked as a history professor, spending half of his time teaching and the other half researching obscure topics. He certainly cared about his son, regaling him with bedtime stories of battles and chaos that sometimes gave the boy nightmares, though that part was unintentional.

This slightly absent-minded love became more problematic when Weiss's mother died while he was ten years old. Weiss, who had admittedly been a bit of a momma's boy, and his father were devastated by the loss, and without her presence their interactions grew a lot more awkward. It was a relief for both of them when Weiss started spending more time outside and away from the house, indulging his love for football. And it was when he joined a youth team that he, his father, and the rest of that youth league discovered that he was a natural at the sport. A prodigy, even, not bigger or stronger than the other kids but with a gift for darting through defenders and the ability to bend it like Beckham score goals that would impress even a professional player.

He was quickly recruited into the Premier Academy League for the Arsenal team, and it was there that a teammate originally from Germany started calling him "Weiss" for his hair. To Weiss's dismay, the name quickly spread to the rest of the team and league and to the media. Before he knew it, that's what he was called when having anything to do with football. He grew to like it, however: as much as he loved his family, it was secretly thrilling to have a name all his own.

His skills on the pitch made Weiss a prime recruiting target, and Reims Academy was one of several that offered him a scholarship. His father, placing a high emphasis on the education that Weiss would receive, pushed his son to accept that offer. Weiss resisted, not wanting to leave his country, his friends, or his team behind. They argued for days, but it was easy for Weiss to tell that his father wouldn't be moved on this subject. So he agreed to go, with one condition: his father, just as glad to have an end to the fighting, agreed.

And so, when he entered the academy, all of his official papers listed his name as "Weiss". He still plays for the English national team. The rest, as they say, is history.

(slight accuracy note just because: currently both Viscount Weymouth and Baron Thynne are subsidiary titles of the Marquess of Bath, with his heir being known by the Viscount title. I've taken the liberty to make them their own titles again to help distance them from the actual people. with apologies to the real Marquess of Bath and Viscount Weymouth)

I just got a book out of the library and it's been written in. In pen. Who would do such a thing? Come on, confess! I know it must have been someone still at the school, since it wasn't like this a few months ago. And it positively reeks of cigarette smoke. I don't care if you choose to foul up your own lungs, but have some respect for communal property - we all use these as well, if you had somehow forgotten that fact. ...No, leaving aside all issues about smoking, have a little respect for the book!

[ If text could sound begrudging, somehow this does. ] At least the writing was notes and not mustaches drawn on the kings or some other nonsense.

He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched.

And really, Weiss figured, he should be used to that by now. Sure, very few people outside the football world recognized him when he was just walking down a street, but during games it was all crowded stands and loud chants and people cheering his name when he arced the ball past the goalkeeper's outstretched hands and into the back of the net.

Quite a far cry from this dark, empty field, he thought a bit sourly. Compared to the adrenaline high of a game, this solo practice felt almost dead.

Not a good choice of words, as he felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise. Weiss stopped, bending over slightly as if catching his breath as he surreptitiously scanned the area. But with the sun almost set, nobody else was around. A shiver crawled down his spine before he mentally shook himself - What am I doing? It's not as if such things as ghosts exist, right?

Wrong, the evening seemed to answer, and Weiss straightened. "Utterly ridiculous," he said out loud, just to break the silence. But when a piece of the shadows seemed to move, he instantly tensed, his legs primed and ready to bolt.

But when that shadow revealed itself to be a black cat, attracted by Weiss's voice and padding forward through the grass, he felt his - not fear, some part of his mind insisted, Weiss didn't feel something like fear! - but...wariness. Yes, that was a better word. He felt his wariness evaporate into frustration and crossed his arms over his chest as he stared at the cat. "And what are you doing here?" he demanded, not even considering that he might look ridiculous arguing with an animal. "Cats aren't allowed on campus."

The cat, of course, had no answer to that except for pacing forward and rubbing its body along Weiss's leg. His scowl deepened as he saw how thin the cat looked - no, no, he wasn't getting involved. This was not his problem! ...Still, it was a shame for any creature to go hungry. The cat seemed too friendly to be feral, so Weiss crouched, carefully extending a hand to pet the animal but ready to pull back if the cat should attack him. But the cat pushed its head into his hand, and even Weiss had to soften at that. "You're lucky I'm not a dog person," he muttered, then stood and beckoned the cat to follow.

"Come along then," he sighed. "I'll find you something to eat. Don't get any ideas: you are not going to be staying with me." He picked up his football and started heading back towards the dorms, checking behind him every so often to make sure his fuzzy little shadow was still behind him. As long as he was doing this, he figured, he might as well do it well; it'd be supremely irritating if the cat disappeared on him now. After all, Weiss was honest about not keeping the cat: he really didn't want the hassle. But that boy down the hall, on the other hand...

HAVE YOU READ THE FAQ? Considering I don't want to be attacked by a rabid wombat, yes, yes I have.

Note: I did get into contact with the Hitsugaya player, and she okayed the use of him as a PB so we're all set there!
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