Jan 28, 2007 21:27
Watson, Jason Watson. He slept under me for 11 weeks, not by choice, but because he couldn’t reach the top bunk. He had three children whose names escape me now. His wife’s picture was his cell phone background. He once saved my life. After 4 months, he called me, and made me cry.
Yeah, my best friend from the army is going to Iraq. He just got his orders, and called to tell me. I’ve been trying to find him since I made my new myspace, and he calls with this. Well some good is coming from it. With the success of the new job, and my car getting back on the road (eventually), I’m going to Georgia. I’m going to go sometime at the end of April beginning of May, as he leaves in June. The details are shaky, and I’m flying by the seat of my pants, but I have 3 months to plan it, so all should come together. Like I say, “It’s all a circle, it meets in the middle”.