lotricons is pissing me off. After I posted a few b&w coloured icons in it, now EVERYONE is doing it. It's happening in buffy_icons too, but at least there people give me credit for the idea! I tried to do something original and now everyone's doing it. I got rid of all my b&w icons for my account. I'm sick of all the copycats.
My philosophy tutorial was okay. I think I'm gonna like this course. I already like my TA! Poked fun at Bush's stupidity under the guise of an example for false premises leading to false conclusions. "If George Bush wasn't an idiot and him and Hussein were friends, then the United States wouldn't invade Iraq. Well, since premises 1 and 2 are both false, the conclusion will most likely turn out to be false as well." *G* Though I'm sure most of the Americans that read this won't find it funny, I certainly did!
My aunt should be calling me soon as I've been invited over for dinner. Of course, seeing as I have no car now, I have to be picked up. I should start getting dressed and stuff!
Ooh, and I might be able to get my car fixed for cheaper! Apparently my grandpa has this great idea of buying the required parts himself and getting this guy he knows who does good work for REALLY cheap to do it all. It might cost as little as $600!!! ::crosses fingers:: Oh please oh please oh please...
I really need to look into housing. Must go do that. (Tara, of course, has yet to call me back. Whatever.)