Jul 10, 2006 11:44
So...my weekend.
Friday was unanticipated, but a lot of fun. I worked and then I got home and was tooling around online and bored. I ended up talking to Bryan, and he ended up driving down from Barrie to see me!
Nadia was up at the trailer with James, Tim was out with Stephanie, and my parent had gone out for dinner with Jennifer and Ali, so I was home alone. So when Bryan came to the house, Jake, being the huge overprotective furball that he is, freaked the fuck out. Barking and growling and raising his hackles, all "how dare you come when she is ALL ALONE??" So I held Jake and let Bryan in, and let Jake smell Bryan so that he could get used to him. Jake settled down...and immediately rolled over so that Bryan could rub his belly.
Such a great guard dog, huh? I know I feel safe! :P
Well, really, I've never seen him turn into a gigantic woobie quite that fast, and probably he just knew that Bryan was harmless. But still. It's fun to make fun.
Anyway, so we decided to go see a movie, so we headed over to Cineplex Odeon. Superman Returns was cancelled, so we decided to see Pirates of the Caribbean 2 instead. It was 9:00pm when we got there and bought our tickets, but the show wasn't until 10:40pm, so we figured we had time to kill. We walked over to the coffee place, but then I decided that I really didn't feel like buying anything and he didn't either, so we walked around the plaza instead.
After about an hour or so of walking, I decided that some type of coffee beverage sounded quite good after all. So we went back there and got drinks and sat down and talked.
And, of course, totally lost track of time.
Next thing we knew, it was 10:25, the show was in 15 minutes, and there were no seats left except at the very, very front of the theatre. So we decided "fuck it, let's get a refund" and did.
Then we decided to drive to the Silver City theatre and see if maybe they had an even later show that would work. Yeah, no.
That was a waste of gas.
So THEN we drove BACK, went to Blockbuster, and decided to rent a movie instead. We ended up getting Underworld: Evolution. It wasn't fantastic by any means, and they went in a completely different direction than I had expected after watching the first one, but it was entertaining and the action was pretty good, and over all, I enjoyed.
Overall, it was much cheaper.
Oh, and we had quite the ordeal with movie snacks! My Mom buys this organic popcorn that bites. I mean, it's yummy enough, it just always, always burns. I'd made some the other night, and after putting it in for 1min45, parts of it were burned. So I thought that I'd be smart and only put it in for 1min30...
Yeah, it totally burned.
So we chucked that and put in the last bag. 20 seconds in, the kernels haven't even begun to pop yet, but suddenly smoke is coming out of the microwave! The bag was TORCHED. WTF is up with those bags I don't know, but needless to say, we didn't have popcorn that night.
So I made my dip instead and then Bryan said that he was glad the popcorn burned because it was a really awesome dip. :-D
He didn't leave until almost 3am and I felt really bad because had a fair drive ahead of him, but we both had a good time and that's what matters!
Saturday and Sunday were both spent watching soccer and...well that's pretty much it because I suck.
Saturday's game was FABULOUS. Two hot teams, four goals, fun for everyone! Except for maybe Portugal. But it was a great game to watch (okay, maybe not so much the first half)!
And Schweinsteiger may have gotten a yellow card for taking his shirt off after his second awesome goal, but he got two thumbs up from me!
The German team is so pretty. ♥
Anyway, I'm sure everyone's heard all about the ugliness of Sunday's game. And really, it wasn't a great game to watch even outside of that. Which sucks, because after Italy's equalizer it totally looked like it was going to be.
But Zidane is such a dumb fuck. Apparently the French team is saying that Materazzi called him a racial slur and that's why he head-butted him, and yeah, that's terrible. But guess what? By retaliating like that, YOU LOSE! You're the one that gets kicked out of the game! Oh yeah, that showed him. It might have even cost France the cup. I don't know. I just know that it was a dumb fucking move. Way to end your career.
And now it is POURING rain and I'm worried about losing power and therefore losing this entry, so I'm going to cut this here. (I was going to say short, but, well it's pretty damn long...)