what a waste of me

Apr 27, 2006 22:49

This week has been kind of insane.

My Mom came down on Monday night. She was supposed to come down Monday morning, but didn't because she had stuff she had to get done but SHE DIDN'T EVEN CALL so I yelled at her. :P Anyway, she came down and we sat and talked because it was too late to get any work done. And then we broke into the bottles of wine that I've had for forever but never had any occasion to open (because there was never anyone to share with and I don't want to drink alone.)

Anyway, ended up having a bottle apiece. It was AWESOME.

Nobody make any comments about being lushes. It was over like 6 hours or something (we were up until 4am), so whatever. And I ended up making us nachos with cheese before bed. That was so yummy and hit the spot so perfectly.

And also, I introduced her to the awesomeness that is The Colbert Report. I ♥ Stephen!

Tuesday was spent packing, packing, and more packing. 3 years of my life, all disappeared into boxes. It makes me sad.

Also, it was really annoying to keep stumbling upon more stuff from Michael that was tucked away here and there that I'd forgotten about. Especially notes from after fights. But it didn't effect me as much as I might have expected it to, it was just kind of a familiar bothering, but not something that made me want to cry or miss him. And really, moving out of this place is angsty enough.

And really, there are some things that are wayyyy more annoying. Like finding a pair of movie passes that I'd forgotten about, which are now expired. Fuck, it's not even like going to the movies is cheap! WHY DID I FORGET??? Actually, it's sad how many things I found that I'd saved and saved and now they're no good and had to be tossed out.

Tuesday we went out to dinner at East Side Mario's and bought more wine and then came back and watched Veronica Mars. I refused to touch my wine until after the show, though, explaining to Mom that "This is Veronica Mars. You need to be paying strict attention!" And seriously, my adrenaline was going so much after that show ended, it's probably best that I waited.

Afterwards was more packing. Did I mention that this is very sad?

Wednesday we did some more packing, then loaded up her car with a few boxes (and four suitcases of clothes...though a lot of that was old jeans that don't fit anymore.

And since then I've been studying. Well, and procrastinating studying by reading Supernatural fic (OMG LOVE! Recs coming eventually!), but also studying.

I think I'm going to pop out in a minute to buy some milk and bread and chocolate. I know that I'm moving out in less than 48 hours, but I have NO FOOD LEFT AND I AM HUNGRY!!!! And I don't want fast food. I want to be able to wake up tomorrow and eat breakfast, rather than pretending that I'm not hungry until it's late enough that I can eat something more lunch-y. So screw it. I'll throw stuff out but I AM EATING!!!!

In other news, my pills are missing. Somehow in all of the packing, the Shopper's bag with my next two months worth of pills disappeared. And I have no idea where they are. There isn't even many things not in boxes now. WHERE DID THEY GO?? And how do they always disappear?? Heh, I always used to make Michael look for me and he'd always find them so easily and then make fun of me because I apparently just suck at looking for things. But now there's just me too look and I'm fucked.

This is going to screw up my body, I can just tell.

FUCK. Whatever, food shopping and then more studying (I feel guilty because I fell asleep for 2 hours on top of my text book) and then bed.

drinking, squee, year 4, housing, family, bitching, school, body

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