Dec 30, 2005 23:56
I just finished watching Star Wars III. If nothing else, this holiday seems to be really good for catching up on all the movies I've been wanting to see. I thought it was pretty good, if overly predictable (the downside of prequels) and nowhere near as good as the original trilogy. Still, the action was pretty good -- gotta love those light-saber fights.
We went to London yesterday. It was nice to spend some time with my family, but not really very exciting or anything. I went shopping with my Mom, which would be a little more fun if I didn't live in that mall...I'd already seen everything it had to offer. Still, I did get a very nice pair of earrings. And the food was very good, as is always the case with my Baka's cooking. I tried not to eat too much, but I probably did anyway...
I'm gaining weight again. This is good in that my boobs are no longer swimming in my bras. This is bad in that I kind of liked getting really skinny and I'm worried that the gaining-weight trend will continue. But if I just stay where I am right now, that will be okay.
And I got Veronica Mars on DVD! WHOO!! I left it in London (don't look at me like that!) but I'm very much looking forward to the deleted scenes and any other special features. I love my VM!
I slept at my apartment last night. Just having that bit of space to myself again was very nice. I cleaned my desk so that it will be all nice when I come back (since I slacked with the cleaning before) and then stayed up way too late watching Gilmore Girls on tv. I'd really like to start watching that show, but I don't think I can afford the time. They're into, what, the 6th season? That's A LOT of catch-up to do.
I retract my earlier statement on Martha Stewart. She really is the boring apprentice and not nearly as bitchy as I had hoped. Tragic, really.
New Years Eve tomorrow night is finally planned for. I hope it goes well and is fun. *fingers crossed*
And I'm tired and I'm bored and I'm annoyed so I'm going to go do something to distract myself.
veronica mars