Oh my God, can it be?? Am I really updating??
[insert gasps and fainting here]
So yeah, I've been really busy lately. Work has pretty much taken my summer and swallowed it whole. I feel like I'm always working and when I'm not, I'm exhausted and certainly don't feel like sitting in front of a computer to write about my life...because my life is work and I'm getting kind of sick of it.
But I worked an open to first shift today (for the uninformed, that means 9am-4pm) so I have a bit of time to kill. I was going to wash my car because it's gross and it needs it, but we are currently having a thunderstorm so there goes that idea. And yes, that means I shouldn't be on the computer, but I am anyway. So there.
So...work. Wonderland is certainly an interesting place to work. I started off the season at Silver Streak and I loved it so much that I applied for lead (that's like assistant supervisor) after about a month and go me, I got it! It also meant that I got transferred to another crew, Chopper Chase. At first I was really upset. I fought to stay at Streak. I met with my area managers and then with one of the full-time managers and tried to argue why I would be great at Silver Streak. Hell, I cried. (And yes, now I am very embarrassed about that.) But I got moved anyway. But once I got comfortable at Chopper I really loved it. Basically, I got moved because I'm so positive and enthusiastic all the time and Chopper was seriously lacking in that department. And now I'm really glad that I was moved because I feel that I was able to make a difference at Chopper in a way I couldn't at Streak.
I didn't really realize how much change happens in Wonderland when I got moved, though. Streak isn't the crew that it was when I left. So many people have left or gotten moved. Even Chopper has changed. My old lead-partner, Lindsay, got transferred to a different department and Greg from Ghoster Coaster got transferred to Chopper. And I think my supervisor, Liz, is thinking of quitting...
And now I've decided that, since a bunch of new positions have opened up, I'm going to apply for supervisor. I don't really think I'll get it -- I think I'm still too green. But I can't think of a reason not to. I thought I was too new when I applied for lead, too, and I got that promotion. And supervisors have a pretty good deal and it would be a bigger raise. And worse comes to worse, I don't get it -- but I *do* get paid for both the interview and for the time they take to explain to me why I didn't get it and to help me work out an action plan to get it later. So hey, win-win as far as I'm concerned!
If I don't get it, maybe I'll quit at the end of the month so I don't have to work weekends in September...on the other hand, the extra money could be nice and it might be worth it to come back on weekends. Eh, we'll see what I decide to do.
And I get the weekend off this week!!! I'm so excited -- I haven't had a whole weekend off since I started. Michael and I are going to drive down to London, I think. It'll be nice to spend a weekend together, living apart all summer has been really hard on me. I still haven't really adjusted.
Hmm...what else? A million things, I'm sure, but I'll have to focus on the recent stuff because I just can't remember the old things. They'll all be work-related, unfortunately, as my life does not exist.
We had Halloween in July last night. It was really fun! After the park closed to the general public, three rides were open to employees: The Bat, Shockwave and Scooby Doo's Haunted Mansion. The managers ran the rides and there were no lines and it was just fun! I went on Shockwave 3 times, but they had it in maintenance mode, which means that the managers were controlling the ride; it wasn't on a set program. And it was SO MUCH MORE INTENSE!!! It was also 5 times the length of a regular ride. And it was FUN! Liz and I were supposed to go on the Haunted Mansion together, but she disappeared so I went on by myself. So I took a gun in each hand and competed with myself. My left hand won: 600 to 480 :P which was pretty damn good! There were games and food, too, but I didn't bother with either. It was really fun, but the downside was that it meant I didn't get to bed until about 1:30am...and I had to open this morning.
Which reminds me:
steph2137, if you want to visit me after August 16th like you said, just let me know what two days are best for you now so that I can request them off. It'll be easier for me to get them off if they're during the week. I get free passes after August 15th, so it should work out fine. Just let me know ASAP -- I need to give 1-2 weeks notice.
And on another note, I need to read more Veronica Mars fic. And Sailor Moon fic. (Goddammit, that fandom just won't leave me alone!!!) If anyone has recs or knows where I can find any, please direct me, thank you!