It's been a while

Jan 17, 2005 01:32

So I've been kind of MIA lately. Everything's just been really busy, first with finals, then with my incredibly short break of less than 2 weeks (to those of you who are STILL off, I hate you all!), and then with the hustle and bustle of school starting again.

My finals were okay, though I was feeling really burnt out by then and I caused my marks to drop in almost all of my courses. I'm actually pretty upset about this because I worked really hard all year only to blow it at the very end. So I'll need to work my butt off even harder this semester... Right now, between my LSAT and my grades, I'm competitive for law school, but by no means guaranteed a spot. So I want to get my grades up to a point where I can feel more confident. I did get an email from the University of Minnesota Law School, asking me to consider their school, which was kind of cool. I guess that means I checked off the box that said they could release my LSAT score to all the schools. I'm definitely not going to apply out of province, especially not in the States, but still, it was cool.

My break was SHORT. Between my family, Michael's family, and all of the demands of the season, I had absolutely no time to myself. I was very pleased with my present-giving; everyone loved their presents, which made me so happy! I love it when I find that perfect gift. I also did very well imn the present-receiving area, though I wasn't as concerned with that. Still, I got a digital camera: WHEE! And I got some nice shirts and DVDs and other fun stuff. It was a really good break.

Although, I have to say: Peter Jackson? Is so getting EXPLODING DEAD RATS in the mail. Karen and I had our Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Marathon just after Christmas. It was really fun -- for the first two movies, we had more fun making fun of the movies (which we love, don't get me wrong) than we did watching them! However, I hadn't seen Return of the King's EE before and I have to say that I was beyond disappointed. How hard is it to stick to a plot that's already been written and proven successful?? ARAGORN IS NOT A SISSY BITCH!!! Why did Peter Jackson decide to turn my Aragorn into a sissy bitch? He went from "Yo, dead guys, you my bitch now" to "Puhleeeeeeeeease help us, oh dead guys. Pwetty pwetty pleeeeease!!!" and from "Yo, Sauron-bitch, I'm coming to beat your ass" to "Oh no, not a picture of Arwen! Nooooo... Okay, Sauron, you win. I'll be your bitch." I was NOT impressed by this. And he managed to fuck up my FAVOURITE line in the whole goddamned trilogy! My poor, poor Eowyn/Faramir romance still got shafted. The Halls of Healing did NOT show Aragorn's awesomenss. Basically, I thought it sucked. Well, that's not entirrely true. I thought the first half of the EE was pretty well done. And certain parts had such potential. They just couldn't compensate for the immense suckitude of the latter half. *sigh*

Moving on from my rant, things have been busy. My schedule was supposed to have Wednesdays and Fridays off, but one of the classes sucked royally, so I had to do some changes, and now I have only Fridays off. I don't really mind, actually. After all, over the summer I was trying to make sure I had classes every day, but it had just worked out that way. So now I'm happy.

4-6pm Research in Cognitive Psychology LAB

9-11am The Sociology of Juvenile Delinquency
11-1pm The Psychology of Personality

4-6pm Research in Cognitive Psychology LECTURE
7-10pm Applications in Psychology

9-10am The Sociology of Juvenile Delinquency
11-1pm The Psychology of Personality
7-10pm Children's Literature

I know it doesn't sound like all that much, but it really is trying, especially the early morning. And I'm actually making a really good start at getting on track with my readings and such early, which I'm feeling pretty proud of. Also, there is a lot of work involved in these courses. But I think it's going to work out really nicely. Even if my roommate from first year is in my sociology class. (We pretend we don't know each other.)

And the last week was a little colourful. I've had a cold since the break, but even though I got over the initial symptoms withing two days, the dry cough has persisted. And then I started to have chest pains. And then on Thursday night, just when class was ending, I got the most severe pain in my left shoulder, it was so sharp and I just gasped and felt like I was going to die. So I held it and rubbed it and eventually it subsided. But then I stood up and I got a really horrible stabbing pain just left of center in my chest. And while I was waiting for Michael to pick me up, it moved so that it was dead center. And I got so scared and paranoid and I was freaking out and it hurt so, so bad. So this time, when Michael said he wanted to take me to the hospital, I didn't fight him. After four hours, an ECG, a chest x-ray, and various examinations, it was determined that it wasn't anything serious. Turns out that my cough is impacting on my chest cavity and causing inflammation. FUN! So the doctor told me to keep taking my anti-inflammatories and discharged me. So I was there until 2am for basiacally nothing.

I fucking hate hospitals.

And my sister was down this weekend. Which was mostly good, but I'm angry at her right now, so I'm not going to talk about that.

And I have school tomorrow (I'm meeting Sybil on campus for lunch at noon) and it's late so I'm heading to bed!

sick, family, lawschool, lotr, bitching, health, schedule, school, holidays

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