School Shopping Spree

Aug 15, 2004 02:32

Gen is bored and says that I should post in my lj. I'm really, really, really tired as I keep having to wake up at ungodly hours before 9am and it's even the weekend now and I still have to wake up early...and I haven't been going to bed on time either, as might be guessed by the fact that I'm writing this at 2:30am. My head feels a little bit spinny, actually. I suspect that it's exhaustion.

Anyway, I didn't know what to write about, so I'm just going to write about my day. I had to wake up early this morning (EVIL!) because I volunteered to go university shopping with Mom and Nadia today. As it turns out, this was a really good idea as I got some really cool stuff too! I got a webcam (as did my sister and my mom so that we can all communicate), two floor lamps for the apartment (as it really doesn't have enough light), two fans for the apartment (as it doesn't have air conditioning), some really nice new towels, a full-length mirror that hangs on the back of a door, and a new toilet bowl brush. It's all very cool. We still need to buy me a TV (I have to give my sister the 13" for her dorm, but my parents are buying me a bigger one, yay!) I also need a new knapsack as my old one is falling apart. And I need school supplies. But yeah, it was a very good day.

My family went out to dinner together tonight. It was a really nice meal, though it probably would have been better if I hadn't gotten into a fight with Dad. :( I tell him "When you do X, it really hurts my feelings because I feel like you don't care about me." And he says "Well, you need to get thicker skin." *sigh* He can be so insensitive sometimes. But Tim is AMAZING and totally backed me up. He even brought Mom around so she stood up for me too. Overall, it was an awesome night. After all, it IS the night that Tim and I formed our Super Secret Society. *nods sagely* I'd say more, but I don't like the idea of my whole friends list having to be killed...

And my birthday is in 22 days! I've been drawing up my birthday wish list and trying to convince my brother that he wants to give me all the Harry Potter books for it. I don't know how successful that's been. Michael wanted to buy me the books, but I told him flat-out no because that's kind of a boring present and I don't want to be able to guess what he's getting me. I already have his birthday and anniversary presents planned. :)

I've been making Harry Potter icons lately, though I obviously didn't have time tonight. I have almost 20 unfinished bases right now. I really should polish them off, too bad I have no time! And I have to be up at eight-bloody-thirty tomorrow morning. Stupid Michael. I am going to die!! But not before I kill him, of course.

I think that's all for the night. I'm really very tired. *falls asleep and snores quietly against the keyboard*
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