1. Open your Winamp/iTunes. 2. Put the shuffle-mode on. 3. Find a picture of the first 20(That takes too long) 10 artists. If the same artist comes again, skip. 4. Have your friends guess who the artists are.
Hey.. I have faith in people.. but you Leafs fans aren't people. I thought you knew that already?
Besides.. I doubt anyone knows who the eff the Cardigans are without having to look it up. I would expect everyone to know The Beatles and Lennon and stuff... but not some of those others.
I know who the Cardigans are without having to look it up. I recognized the girl (even without the blonde hair). lol... And as for the rest, I did know them. :p
2. John Lennon
3. Chevelle
4. Linkin Park
5. Audioslave
6. The Beatles
7. The Cardigans
8. Puddle of Mudd
9. Green Day
10. Depeche Mode
Okay. I admit. I HAD to look up #6. :p
Besides.. I doubt anyone knows who the eff the Cardigans are without having to look it up. I would expect everyone to know The Beatles and Lennon and stuff... but not some of those others.
I know who the Cardigans are without having to look it up. I recognized the girl (even without the blonde hair). lol... And as for the rest, I did know them. :p
And... I can't really counter you Leafs statement. I'll give you 1-0 on this one.
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