Writer's Block: Home Alone

Apr 18, 2008 21:46

Woooowww I never blog so much ever. I just actually have no homework/affairs going on this Friday night. tomorrow I shall be partying it up with my fellow East African people.

But anyway decided to use that Writers Block thingy that's on the main page.

Q: What happened the first time you were left home alone as a child

A: Hmmm nothing bad really. I locked all the doors and listened to music really loud. Then my next door neighbor was mad at me for whatever reason (we were both about 7 or 8) and wanted to throw a rock through my window...it was pretty big. And of course being a girl and knowing how to push buttons I said something that made him even madder and he flipped me off. Straight up stuck his middle finger up and told me to 'Ef off'. I was in shock....I mean I'd heard the word, seen it used but never had anyone directed it at me and I just stood there. I didn't cry but I wanted to hurt him lol. But yeah we never really talked again because he began to enjoy video games more and would never come out to play anymore. Plus he was kinda racist so all the neighborhood kids decided to equally hate him.

Which brings up another thought. How in the heck are you going to be racist in Africa. Seriously? Kenya has a lot....A LOT of Indians (from India...I must state this cause lots of people assume that Indian=Native American...not the case all the time) and some of them are kinda racist :/ in a pretty blatant way...they don't even try to hide it...and after I moved out and saw how taboo it was (I mean DUH it is still taboo in Kenya but I guess since we are still the majority people don't make a huge deal......)

But anywho some of them are racist. And I just don't get it. If your in Africa you better believe you shall be outnumbered by black people! Common sense?

Anyway that's a blog for another day and even though I want to waste time I'm gonna go waste time doing something else.
I would go work out but the gym closes in about six minutes.



I have no clue what that ^ is but I made it

writer's block, kenya, east africa, home alone, indians, africa, middle finger, rock, racist, the f word, cuss

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