it's been FIVE YEARS.

Dec 16, 2012 01:18

so super late into the night (for me), and darn tired from a long day. but the adrenaline from playhouse just keeps me going, though i know it's bedtime. super impt considering we've full day revision lecture tomorrow. sad sunday. sigh, life of an m5..

ranting aside, cant believe it's been FIVE years running that i've been involved in playhouse. this was the very event that brought me to my close bunch of friends in medicine, a group of people i cant imagine surviving med school without. it's the avenue which provides us something else to do in medsch apart from mugging. it's where the entire batch of 260 of us come together, and share common memories through moments we create as a class.

we've bagged the 1st prize in m2,4,5. three years out of five. how amazing is that?

but more than that, we've amazing talents in our batch. people who can compose music, choreograph dance, write scripts, direct plays, create sets, all out of scratch. hats off to them. and an honour to be amongst those amazing friends of mine :)

as the saying goes, 台上十分钟,台下十年工. the amount of hours put into preparing the performance each year is way beyond imagination. the energy expended enough to make one feel fatigued. but it'll be all worth it when the adrenaline rush comes on d-day. and when you see your efforts come to fruition, the audience giving encouragement from below. it's what keeps me going back to joining playhouse, even in final year, when the workload and stress starts catching up with me. it's also what i hope to take with me after 5 years of medsch. not just mugging, but also fun, joy and laughter, hard times and sweet times.

now we're just down to 70 odd days to MBBS. the thought is scary, cos i've yet to start mugging. and the revision lecture schedule is just intense, and intimidating. but i guess, as a class, we'll all pull through somehow.. :)
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