Jan 22, 2008 21:13
My left sinus is making me crazy. New med. (what was wrong with the old one?) The pain resulting from a sneezing fit that lasted an hour (an hour of sneezing non stop, seriously, WTF??)is so .. well it's friggin pain. It feels like a knife being scraped in my sinus non stop now, with some burning. Oh but gee, says the doc, you don't have a sinus headache. Um, no, no I don't, but my sinus goes from running like a faucet to stopped up like a drain clogged with all the fur from a wooly mammoth. All with that lovely constant burning, scraping feel. I.Am.Not.Taking.This.Again.
I'd rather be loopy and knocked out.
In other news, I rebuilt Biblio's computer today. Made it better, stronger, faster, as the saying goes. Then I set my laptop up for the big back up, and updated my site, and my ravelry. Ok, the site is updated, the ravelry, its a constant wip. Not complaining, I love that site. I probably spend WAY too much time on it.
On the knitting front, I am working on a new sock design. Its lacy, ribby, texturey (hey, it's a word, cause I say so). I can't wait to get them done and post em!
And, I am going to knit my dress for the Cadet Ball again this year. Silk/Vicose ribbon.
blabbing away