Eff me running
I'm already not ready for this week and now I've had a halfway-blazing row with Will over the stupidest thing. We're walking down the street this morning and in front of us I see a woman pass two men. One of the men goes "sexy! damn!" and turns around to stare at her. No response from the woman.
Response, however, from me. "OMG
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Also, from a post by
ephemere:Say that anger can only result in defensiveness; say that numbers merely mean a mob -- I will say that sometimes only the shock of an impact can break a wall; that numbers speak of the greatness of the injustice.
I am weary of people speaking of anger as if it were a chosen, controllable thing. It is so tiring, this anger, and I would will it away from me if I could. It exhausts me to go into arguments with the full expectation that I will have to defend myself from accusations simply because I am angry. I don't even have to wonder about the lines of thought that lead to these statements -- why should I, when I'm surrounded by the same system that has taught us to suffer in silence, to be patient, to work hard, to deserve the voices and the rights to be regarded as equal with those who have taken these very things away? I know (because I have been told, over and over) that one shouldn't blame anyone else for ignorance, that one should value intention, that one shouldn't deride those who mean well because eventually they'll learn.
Maybe they'll learn. Maybe they won't. But I refuse to stay silent in the meantime. An act that perpetuates oppression, if unchallenged, only serves to reinforce oppression. The more people that choose to recuse themselves from speaking out, due to fear of giving offense, the less there will be to join the struggle against these wrongs. Speak to me of the hue and the cry. Speak to me of it, again and again, because it is still necessary, and it is still not enough, and the fact that we have to raise these issues, over and over, is an outrage in and of itself.
Asking someone from a disprivileged group who is angry about institutionalized oppression - with a focus on specific acts, widely encompassing institutionalized systems, or both - to watch their TONE in front of a person or persons who benefit from that system of oppression, is in itself a demand that reinforces that privileged dynamic. Ad hominem attacks are out, of course. But in my experience, if I didn't yell now and then, a lot of people benefiting from privileged dynamics would never stop and listen at all, much less remember what I said. (As a disabled woman of Asian descent, in my daily life I can't seem to get away from the impact of all those things with respect to how people who benefit from ablebodied, male, and/or white privilege act toward and around me. Regardless of how I feel about it.) And again, even though I often try to help, it's not my responsibility to educate people about the lived realities of the disprivileges I experience. So if someone isn't going to listen to me about what I say on those things because of what they think about my tone, count me right out. Finally, people privileged in an institutionalized dynamic of power are far more likely to accuse someone of being too angry in a discussion of privilege when that someone belongs to the disprivileged group(s), regardless of that person's actual tone. I have seen this and experienced this countless times. (I would say "literally countless times" but that would be misusing the word "literally.") This is why, for example, there are a lot more well-known white antiracist activist writers in the profession than there are well-known antiracist activist writers of color. People who benefit from an institutionalized dynamic of privilege - especially people who have not spent a lot of time thinking about how they benefit and what they should do about it as a regular part of their lives - tend to be somewhat less defensive when criticism of that dynamic, and/or of the people who benefit, comes from a fellow beneficiary of that privileged dynamic.
That's all today's spoons I've got for social justice in this thread. Over and out!
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