One of our cats had diabetes. Notice that I said, "had." I developed when he was around 5 years old and went away on its one about 6-8 months later. The shots aren't that bad, as the cats skin is pretty stretchy in some areas and the needle is so small that they don't even notice it. The only other thing we had to do was collect samples of his urine at random times. Now they sell litter boxes with pellets and pads that sit at the bottom of the box that soak up the urine, so getting a box like that would make things a lot easier.
Its worth a shot (no pun intended) to try and see if you can handle it, if he does have diabetes. Good luck :)
Thanks. I just found out he does have it and we're going to have to start treating him. My fiance and I are going to have to talk, but I've just passed what you said on to him too.
Oh, but another question -- how often do you travel? I go every few months from NY to DC to see my family and I usually take my fiance with me. One of my major worries is what we'd do for him if he needs shots twice a day and I need to see my parents. A lapse in either would cause a potentially lethal freakout.
Well, I live with my mom right now so there was usually someone here to take care of him. The few times that she went out of town and I wasn't here, it was only for a few days, but my dad came over and gave him his shot (he actually only had one a day). And my dad is not a cat person!
I would imagine that you could board him at the vet, like you mentioned. The only thing would be that it would cost money. Did you talk to your vet about boarding him?
We did, and I don't think we'll be able to afford it. We travel to see my family, but we also spend the night in Manhattan when we visit friends or visit his parents, so sometimes we're gone for 24 or 36 hours if there's a special occasion and then work the next day.
Also juvenile diabeetus is a bit of a special case; the vet said she doesn't usually see it in cats who are only a year and a half old. I'm considering my options.
Its worth a shot (no pun intended) to try and see if you can handle it, if he does have diabetes. Good luck :)
I would imagine that you could board him at the vet, like you mentioned. The only thing would be that it would cost money. Did you talk to your vet about boarding him?
Also juvenile diabeetus is a bit of a special case; the vet said she doesn't usually see it in cats who are only a year and a half old. I'm considering my options.
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