So my first draft of the shit-tastic "I-Txt" piece for C-Punk has been deemed quite good by Godzich. Wednesday we meet again, where he will tell me everything that I need to know to make this piece less than tragic. Can't even say what his support feels like. It's as though I am only mildly retarded in comparison, as opposed to ballz to the wall dumbass. And this is a good thing, really!
I'm very much done with this quarter. To be exact: I am done with working on shit. I'd love to just sit in M&M, joking with the gang, being on top of that game, and making it all hilarity. I'd love to just see C-Punk gang for coffee and treats 3 times a week. I'd love to just chillllll and watch excellent films (netflix queue at 500 films already? what what?) and listen to Merriweather Post Pavillion again and again. I'd love to just eat hella food all day and not care that it's showing.
But formalities, responsibilities exist.
With that, I am terrified at the possibility of getting this CUIP internship. It sounds like so much work and every time I see Jake, he looks absolutely marvelous but toats stressed. I suppose that's just what comes with it, and I'm sure the downtime with authors, Karen, Micah, awesome. But I get fearful. And I would hate to let them down. One step at a time, I suppose.
Publishing news: Submitted to Leviathan, Lotta's magazine, which should be coming out end of this quarter or april. Also will (maybe) have pieces in the next issue of Rapt and Kresge Town Krier. Sooo womp womp womp to that! In addition (yep), entered Bookshop Santa Cruz Short Story Contest with my Bowie piece, so womp to the 4th power.
This weather is making me unwilling to actually complete any productive work, which I suppose is a sum-up of what I have written previously.
Just finished the Truffaut "Farenheit 451". It's this amazing combination of extremely dated filming techniques, and bizarre dali-esque touches, putting the movie really outside of any specific genre or time period. It's also his only English film, so that distances it even farther. really a beautiful film, though. I love the idea of Book People. It's almost kitsch to have this group of vagabonds walking about reciting books. it reminds me of choir kids continuing to sing outside of class. obnoxious, but in this case, endearing. hmmmm....
I'm really looking forward to taking a lighter load next quarter. M&M: Borderlands with Wilson should be a trip. I don't know why, but I'm convinced that he's better in a smaller setting. granted, I hear he's still a macho dick in many ways, but I'm tempted to see what how his mind works when he has a more contained group to play off of. I'm not expecting to get listened to, granted, I'm almost positive I'll be railroaded everytime I attempt to speak up. But I'm still looking forward to it, in some masochistic way. Expect in a couple months for me to be bitching and moaning about the class, but for now, there's a perverse anticipation.
Stewart's class is going to be top notch. There's no way around it. We'll read some awesome prison narrative texts, have superb discussions, and it'll be grand. Stew-Pot time is the only time.
And Femme Phys will be good. Knock that GE out and learn something in the process. Maybe I'll discover I am a mutant. Rawr!
I want Upper Crust Pie.
P.S. I hate this: P.P.S. I miss you, Copperfriends. Return of the Hosen approaches...