Sep 27, 2010 12:16
Back from camping now. I love spending time in woods hiking, canoeing, and basically getting back to nature for a bit. It helps keep me balanced, especially when things get crazy chaotic like they have been. The list goes on and on, though admittedly, I've not felt much like putting it all out there cuz it sounds way too overwhelming that way. One thing at a time, baby ;)
I moved into my new place, and I'm totally loving the lessened responsibilities. There is still a lot of unpacking to do and some remaining moving of stuff, but the bulk of it is finished. I also have a lovely view of the woods and the creek from my living room window, and with all the leaves changing colors, it's quite beautiful. It's also nice to sit out on the balcony with a cup of tea and watch the world come awake. I've decided that the squirrels and chipmunks around here are lazy though. Rather than crack their own nuts, they keep leaving the acorns, walnuts, and other goodies behind the car tires. Then, when the cars run over them and crack them, they come and steal them back! Smart little buggers.
I'm looking forward to having time to decorate for the holidays, with Halloween being the first. I dragged those boxes out of storage, and hopefully will get those decorations up this week. Yay!
So while most of my recent updates have been brief and via Facebook (shoot me a msg if you're there and I haven't friended you yet), I'm going to see if I can make a return to this venue. I pop in to read every now and then, so it seems like a lot of folks have taken a hiatus, so I'm not sure how many people still use LJ. Still, if you do... *waves*