Gosh! This day has been quite a roller coaster for YunJae Shippers and OT5 fans. I mean, a lot of us were truly looking forward to this day, but we weren't really expecting that much you know? We may tweet about how we wish they would perform together, but we understand the chances of that happening are a bit slim.
It all started with the rumour that was all over new sites that Yunho, Jaejoong, and Yoochun might be sharing a stage together on Korea's Annual Grand Forces Festival. Of course, fans were in chaos over that. OT5 fans were seriously excited about the prospect of seeing the 3 of them together in public for the 1st time in 6 years. As usual, stans from both sides were quick to rain on our parade. Long story short, it was confirmed that Yunho will be the MC for the main stage, while Jaejoong was confirmed to perform on a different stage. Though they might not share a stage, but at least they will be in the same place at the same time. No matter how huge the venue might be, they were bound to at least run into each other, right?
I wasn't really expecting much when I checked my twitter this morning. But boy was I surprised! A picture of Yunho and Jaejoong in the same freaking frame! SAME FRAME! NOT PHOTOSHOPPED! I was grinning like a fool when I saw that! Yunho was the MC, standing on the stage while Jaejoong performed Arirang on the ground right in front of the main stage. JAEJOONG SINGING WITH YUNHO WITH YUNHO, THE MC, WATCHING AND CLAPPING AT THE BACK! And he was seriously staring at Jaejoong! AND JAEJOONG! THE CUTIEPIE WAS OBVIOUSLY HAVING FUN! He was glowing! The two of them seriously looked genuinely happy! UUUGGGHHHH! The FEELS! And towards the end of his performance he gave a 'FIGHTING!' sign to Yunho on the stage! He was smiling shyly while looking at him! SMILING SHYLY! Dammit Jaejoong! XD And before he went out to perform, he gave a thumbs-up towards Yunho! THEEM FEEELSS! There were also fans accounts of how Jaejoong's group were shouting YUNHO-YAH while Yunho was MC-ing before Jaejoong's performance. HOW CUTE IS THAT!
I seriously thought that that was the end of it all. But boy was I wrong. Rumours were abound on twitter about how someone saw Yunho and Jaejoong, together with both of their families, were staying in the same tent. I was a bit skeptical, coz' come on! PICS! Then there was another rumour about them talking, touching each other's arm, and hugging! I was seriously getting agitated over that. I was like, SHOW ME THE PICS DAMMIT! But I wasn't really expecting much out of it. But alas! The universe decided to have pity on all of us. LO AND BEHOLD! A video of Jaejoong talking to Yunho and his parents was uploaded! DAMMIT! A FREAKING VIDEO! JAEJOONG WAS BEING HIS NORMAL TALKATIVE SELF WHILE YUNHO WAS LOOKING AT HIM SMILING AND HIS DAD LISTENING ATTENTIVELY TO JAE! AND THEN ANOTHER PICTURE OF YUNHO TALKING TO JAEJOONG'S SISTER, WITH JAE RIGHT BEHIND WAS UPLOADED! ASSDFGHJK!! I just can't!
Ugh, I though it couldn't get better but another video of Jaejoong and Yunho was uploaded again! AND JAEJOONG CALLED HIM "YUNHO-YAH"! THE YUNHO-YAH MADE A FREAKING COMEBACK! YUNHO-YAH! THAT ENDEARMENT THAT SUCCESSFULLY RESURRECTED THE YUNJAE AND OT5 FANDOM! They were also touching each other's arms in the video! You can clearly see how comfortable they are with each other. Uuugghhh! Fans at the festival who saw their interactions commented how those two look so comfortable with each other and how obvious it was that they were close. And fan accounts of them hugging were confirmed by those considered as legit sources in the fandom. Apparently, after talking to each other they shook hands and gave each other a hug. There was also a fan account of Yunho playing with Jaejoong's niece, Seohyun. How cute is that?! Also, Jaejoong was seen leaving without his wind breaker jacket while Yunho was seen wearing his own and carrying another one! Some things never change, don't you think?
My twitter feeds was never active as it was today. The amount of tweets and retweets that I made this day is definitely the most number that I ever had. I never tweeted as much in a day as I did now, not even when using my personal twitter. It's good day today, don't you agree? XD October 2, 2009 was the last concert of DBSK as 5. October 2, 2015 is the day 2 of the eldest members were first seen talking to each other in public. Such a memorable day for the fandom! It's really memorable and too damn precious, especially to us post-lawsuit fans. This is the first time that we saw those two together. It's an amazing feeling really!
I am a YunJae shipper, can be sort of consider a hardcore one at that. But first and foremost, I am fan. Before I am a shipper of those two, I am their fan. So out of all this, I am genuinely happy at all the things that happened today since it showed how two people, who were known to be best friends in the past, obviously still have that bond. Their bond together was so close and deep, that if you disregard the obvious hints of them being together romantically, you would be amazed at their friendship. I value their strong friendship first, their romance second. Coz' really, how can I believe in the two of them together romantically, if I can't value and appreciate their friendship first?
For all the OT5 fans and YunJae Shippers that have always and still are keeping the faith, this day has been such a complete joy. So, ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH! I have a feeling that the universe is on our side. XD
Poor Junsu! T.T Of all the days that Cjes choose to announce the date of his mini album release, they had to chose now. I mean seriously, I'm pretty sure they know what today was. They should have known that the fans will be too busy spazzing over his hyungs to spazz over his new album. On a funnier note, even in the news department, Junsu is still bullied! XD I mean, YunJaeChun have already enlisted, Changmin is also expected to enlist this year. But him? No enlistment plans yet! XD But all kidding aside, Junsu BB! Don't worry, after all the chaos that YunJae made, we'll spazzing about your album next! Give us time Junsu BB! Our lovely duckbutt! Our Angel Xiah! Hehehehe.
P.S. 2
I'd post the pics and links to videos but I'm too lazy. XD I'm still giddy over all the things that happened today! But just go to the #YunJaeisBack2015 tag in twitter, and you'll find all the goodies that I've talked about.