May 31, 2006 00:44
I was going to post a really angry rant, but I've cooled off, and I'm glad I'm posting this instead.
Sorry I haven't been writing anything down. Most of these were just subject lines from my entries. (some I can't even remember the context for) I went through all the entries since my last quotes entry, copied all the quotes and subject lines, and took out the ones that didn't seem funny anymore, because there were a lot.
So, uh, quotes.
Gerry: *after blowing soap solution onto Morganne's backpack* Oh. Oops. Well, good thing it's just soap, huh?
Morganne: You IDIOT!
[shopping for our dear everything-hating friend, Fil]
Morganne: When she gets her gift, it's coming with an 'I hate you' note.
[in Newspaper, we had to write down some questions we wanted to ask Dr. DiPatri, our superintendent, for our articles and such]
Schle: *looks up from reading one of the papers* Ryan, you aren't allowed to ask Dr. DiPatri to dance with you.
[hopefully you can guess where this is leading to. It was Steven's fault, by the way]
Me: *pokes head around garage door* Um, hey Mom? You know that rainstick we had with a million tiny ball bearings?
[on letting his daughter go to a school dance]
Schle: I don't know what I'd do. I'd probably chaperone...with a gun.
[during a Filipino dance performance. We're about to dance with lighted candles]
Steven: Whoa!
Me and Cody: What happened?
Steven: I almost caught my hankerchief on fire, like this. *demonstrates, and actually lights his hankerchief on fire this time*
Cody: *screams*
Steven: O.O *blowing frantically*
[in AP Comp Sci]
Krystal: You're out of the for loop.
My sister: I always stop talking in mid-
Mrs. Wills: *furious* What are those appendages on either side of your head? Decorations??
[at Harris' Engineering Day with the robotics kids]
Matt: *comes back to table with a CD case he got for being a volunteer* Hey, look what I got!!
Chris: Oh hey, I have one exactly like that.
Me: Ooh, me too!
Matt: *throws CD case down on table, sits, and buries his head in his arms* This is GAY.
One of my piano students: I'm a turtle! Oink, oink! Wait- that doesn't make any sense.
[during Regionals, we were coming in from the pool, and the guys had to rush me and Hannah back to our hotel because it was close to curfew]
Mark: Quick, walk like a turtle! *hops from foot to foot down the hall*
Me: But that's not how turtles walk.
Mark: They do now, c'mon!!
[at Olive Garden, with the robotics team during Regionals]
Mark: *trying to get the attention of the waitress* Hello miss? Excuse me, miss? *louder* Miss behind the wine bottles?
Morganne: *to Fil* You're so mean to me.
Me: Hey, that's my line!
Fil: To be fair, I did try to stick it in her ear.
[in Newspaper, I forgot the context]
Brad: So if everyone was straight, would you be gay?
Ben: So I told my parents, 'Ben got pulled over by a cop.' And I was telling the truth, I was just referring to myself in third person.
[working on Fil's scrapbooks with Morganne]
Me: *fighting with scissors* Stupid child lock...
Ms. Maryann: Oh hey, it's April Fool's Day!
Chris M: No it isn't. .........April Fool!
[after robotics, the guys wanted to call my mom to convince her to let me go to wing night with them]
Ben: *to Matt* You should do it, you're in better standing than I am.
Me: But she doesn't even know he exists.
Ben: Exactly, he's in better standing than I am. I'm below nonexistant.
[in Comp Graphics, Mr. Finch is showing example perfume bottles that some students designed]
Mr. Finch: Here's one, they made the bottle in the shape of the Liberty Bell. Ehh, I'm not so sure that's a great idea though. 'Liberty Bell Perfume- Smell like Ben Franklin!'.
Sensei: My wife, she never speaks up, she always talks so quietly. I always have to get her to talk louder. 'What? What? What??' I'm yellin' like a lightbulb!
[in Physics, Mr. Krehbiel was showing us some pictures from when he was in high school and college and stuff]
Nathan: Nice...who's the babe?
Mr. Krehbiel: That would be my sister.
Nathan: I mean-, uh...
[in Newspaper, don't remember the context]
Ryan: *to Fil* And Latin kids don't count.
Mike: They count in ROMAN NUMERALS. I! II! III! IV! V!
[I was staying at the resort, Kim had to go back home for exams]
Me: *waving cheerfully* Have fun with your exams, Kim!
Kim: I hope you have an absolutely miserable time here, Steph.
[from the movie History of the World, Part I. This amused me to no end]
Slave: *pouring drink* Say when.
Queen: 8:30.
Chris M: I'm gonna jump!
Chris' dad: I'm gonna push!
Maybe I'll start writing things down. If you're tired of seeing quotes that are really ex-subject lines, you're not the only one.
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