Need your theories on a fashion plate.

Dec 09, 2019 12:08

I was feeling exhausted most of the weekend, so didn't wind up doing much sewing. We had four caroling gigs from Thurs-Sat, I ushered a show yesterday, and I finished decorating my house on Friday (video of the decorations is on instagram).

I didn't start my big project yet, because I want to make a quick Christmas skirt first. I picked up the fabric at the same time I bought the commission stuff a couple weeks ago, but as I was cutting it out yesterday, I realized I had forgotten to buy a zipper. So after I cut out and serged all the pieces yesterday, I ran out to Joanns on my way to the grocery store. But naturally, once I got home, there was no more sewing time left between that and the show last night. That said, I should have it all put together tonight, which is good, since I want to wear it when we go to Enchant tomorrow. (They've taken the baseball stadium and turned it into a giant light maze, so it's very instagrammy or something like that.)

But then, assuming I'm not starting the Frozen commission right away, I'm starting on my velvet gown. The thing is, I've stared at this fashion plate a ton, and I can't quite figure out what is going on with her skirt (or skirts?). Click here for the image. Is that band actually running diagonally across her skirt, tucking up only one side of the skirt? Or is it really a horizontal band, and they've just pulled her skirt up on one side? Or is her torso somehow turned completely to the side, and the pulled up part is actually the back of the skirt? I would love to hear any ideas/theories!


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