I finished the last bit of Rapunzel on Sunday morning, and wore her to our cast party on Sunday night. Here's a pic:
www.instagram.com/p/B4JpkkZAxBU/I'm also planning to wear her to a Disney cosplay shoot on this Saturday, though I hope it won't be too cold! I'm really pleased with how it came out - tbh, I like it way better than the actual Rapunzel cosplay I made a few years ago. I should probably fix all the fit issues with that bodice at some point.
Speaking of fit issues, I've been working on tearing apart the Queen of Hearts for this Friday. It's mostly that I'm just trying to get all the old pieces of broken/breaking rigilene out, so I'm taking out this weird half-lining that was in the bodice and ripping out all the channels. I think I've done about half of them so far, and am really hoping I can finish the other half (like 6 or 7 channels) tonight. That way, I can also spend a few minutes re-sewing the couple of seams that have come undone in the bodice. Over the weekend, I already fixed everywhere that the skirt was coming apart, so at that point, she will be wearable. I'd love to be able to make a standing collar for her, too, but I don't think there's time before Friday night. Tomorrow night really needs to be dedicated to completely cleaning my house, and to cooking (or at least prepping) everything that I can for the Halloween party I'm hosting on Thursday. I also have to memorize the two songs I'm singing at the party on Friday (it's a villains-themed party, and I've been asked to sing Mother Knows Best, which I don't know very well, and Be Prepared, which should be just fine).
Luckily, I finished Ariel's sleeves over the weekend. I'd love to see if I can style the swoop bangs on the wig, but if I can't, it's not a huge deal. I'm going to wear her for my party on Thursday. Not sure yet if I want to wear her to work that day, though -- the idea of spending all day in a ballgown and wig is not super appealing, so I may pull something else out for that.
I also did another 6 or so fireworks on the skirt last Thursday. I think there's three left to do on the front, plus the entire back. And then the hem and figuring out how to add the lights. And on top of that, I have several pieces to alter for the caroling group, though those are not due until the week of Thanksgiving.