OOC- Inegra's lesson plans

Apr 24, 2007 18:24

Because I don't feel like keeping a text file on hand. XD This will be updated with new lesson plans when I can sit down and work them out.

January 12- January 18- War Strategies and Principles- An Introduction
Principles of War- Carl Von Clausewitz
Elements of Military Strategy: An Historical Approach- Archer Jones
The 33 Startegies of War- Robert Greene
England in the Seven Year's War- A study in combined strategy- Volumes one and two- Julian Stafford Corbett
The SAS Self-Defense Handbook- A complete guide to unarmed combat techniques- John Wiseman

Spells covered-

January 19- January 31- Air and Water Strategies in comparison to the Wizarding World
Some Principles of Maritime Strategy- Julian Stafford Corbett

February 01- February 07- Anarchy, Idealisim and Guerrilla Warfare- Introduction
Manifesto- Three classic essays on how to change the world- Ernesto Che Guevara, Friedrich Engles and Karl Marx
Guerilla Warfare- Ernesto Guevara, Brian Loveman and Thomas M. Davies Jr.
Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the useful idiots who idolize him- Humberto Fontova
Culture and Anarchy- an essay in political and social criticism- Matthew Arnold

February 07- February 15- Physical and mental conditions in wizards and muggles
Undoing Perpetual Stress: The Missing Connection Between Depression, Anxiety and 21st Century Illness- Richard O'Connor

February 15- February 28- Anarchy, Idealisim and Guerrilla Warfare- Conclusion

March 7- April 24- Social class, Power and the Marquis DeSade- Full course
Cultures of Power: Lordship, Status, and Process in Twelfth-Century Europe- Thomas N. Bisson
The Class of the New- Richard Barbrook
The Status Syndrome: How Social Standing Affects Our Health and Longevity- Michael Marmot
Higher Education and Social Class: Issues of Exclusion and Inclusion- Louise Archer
The Marquis de Sade: A life- Neil Schaeffer
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