Because You Know You Missed My Sewing Projects...

Jan 14, 2008 14:00

I found an easy tutorial for beret making a couple months ago, and finally got around to trying it out. I have this great tartan print fabric with scotty dogs in it that talia_speaks sent me, and I wanted to make a set with it. I'm doing a beret and a fashion waist cincher - no actual cinching capabilities! - that I can use on whatever skirt I feel like. I still need the right type of lace for it, so here we have the hat!

I found batteries! This is actually the third try. first we don't talk about. Second came out well, but.... you can see the problem here:

Too small for my head! I have a kind of giant head, so hats and I don't often get along as is. And I under-estimated when cutting the fabric. (Why yes, I did try and darken my gray with photoshop, leave me alone.)

If anyone with a small head would like it, you're welcome to it!

Now I'm trying to figure out what to do with a little over half a yard of beautiful red and black asian patterned brocade.


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