Books and Wajas and About Me, Oh My!

Feb 17, 2009 07:51

Welcome, welcome, welcome new friends! There've been a good number of you over the last week!

I've never been terribly good at those 'about me' things. I can never quite think what to say, what's important enough to warrant inclusion, what anyone else will care about. So I tend to stick to the bare basics and assume the rest will come out one way or another.

I'm disabled - broke my back (among other things) a while back and tore up my sciatic nerve cluster. I'm a writer who's currently working on a novel, and until it's finished nothing more specific will ever be said. I'm a superstitious writer, I'm afraid, and while the phenomena is most likely psychosomatic, the moment I discuss a WIP I lose all interest in it and find myself tossing it overboard. It's happened twice now in the last month, so I'm taking no chances with this one.

I live in a small mountain town in the desert with my roommate/friend nijawial. We are often in the company of enigmablade and summoneddestiny. We call our little house Silent Hill, for a variety of reasons. We have two rats - Hank and Dean - and a hamster each. A house isn't a home without pets, after all.

I love classic rock and psych rock, and will often wax poetic about music.

I'm involved with a local civil rights protest group, and we're working for gender and sexual orientation equality. Those two of my hot button issues, in real life and in fandom. The portrayal of women in fandom/fiction is something I'm very passionate about. As is the representation of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered characters. I'll rip canon works and fics alike apart when it comes to misogyny, hurtful stereotypes, or bigotry.

And I don't accept the oft-used excuse that it's just for fun, or it's parody, or it's satire. In order for something to be one of the above, it needs to actually be funny. Misogyny and bigotry (or misogynistic or bigoted portrayals of characters) are never, ever funny.

I honestly can't think of anything else that bears jotting down at the moment.

I'm still debating back and forth on whether or not I want to watch King's commentary on Ass Weasels...I'm sorry, I mean Dreamcatcher. I know he's not terribly proud of it, but still. I can think of no excuse other than painkillers and post-accident dementia for this one. The novel is clearly regurgitated bits of every novel that came before it, jumbled and muddled together with little coherency.

I've gone back to Shadowland in the wake of all this...mess. While Straub's tendency towards Victoriana in his prose is irritating, the plot and premise are sound and interesting. It's also quite clear that Mr. Straub has either a) never visited Arizona or b) has forgotten what it's like here. We have no sprawling, dark stone gothic architecture about. We certainly don't have dark, foreboding, gothic boy's boarding schools with lush verdant greenery surrounding them.

Due to weather, it looks like I'm having a shakeup in routine and may be doing errands today rather than tomorrow. We've got some bad storms moving in. Again.

And for those who play Wajas...I finally bred my first 'for traits' Waja. Bane, Female, 100% cheetah, 100% belly, visible mane, LQ=86 I'd like to put her up for sale, but I'm not entirely sure what the price should be. Her folks, who had the same markings and mutations but slightly lower litter quality, were 100,000 WC each. Ah, and she's Gen 7.

random, wajas, stephen king, adventures in silent hill, books

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