Oct 10, 2008 22:45
Sorry that I basically fell off the face of the earth today, but I'm ridiculously sick. :/ It started last night, and I ended up half passed out on the couch watching Rose Red, and wasn't even able to finish it before I had to stumble off to bed.
It's the kind of sick where I was incoherent and spent the majority of the day curled in a fetal position in bed, sobbing. I could barely crawl out of bed for even the bathroom. I didn't even have a smoke until around 4:30 PM. Nor did I react to essentially anything that occurred anywhere in my immediate vicinity.
Nija hardly saw me until I stumbled out of the bathroom in a state I will simply describe as 'dazed and soiled' to spare the TMI. And then was an absolute sweetheart and got a bath going for me and took care of me until I was feeling vaguely human again.
And I am feeling vaguely human. I was able to get clean, I was able to eat, but I'm exhausted and feel like crap.
And my bank card didn't come in time to renew Tamaki's paid account. :( I'll have to save all his icons tomorrow, because after I finish this entry, I'm going to bed. Or trying to, anyway. Damn you, LJ, and your addictive icon properties! *shakes fist weakly*
In other, completely random news, I'm really digging Coldplay's new CD. Generally I strongly dislike Coldplay. This has next to no relevance to anything whatsoever, I just wanted to add something to this entry that wasn't going on about my crappy day.
I'll be hopefully catching up on things tomorrow, when I'm something more than a zombie.