Recovery, Reviews, and Randomness

Jul 23, 2008 10:33

Woo, am catching up with RP! And my ponies. And holy crap, Cabrilla's genes are...insane. And dominant. Three air foals, all essentially variations on the same color. Purple. I'm gonna have to start selling some....

I'm still feeling drained and weak, but other than that, I'm mostly alright. nijawial! Let me know when you want to get together, now that I'm back on my feet! :D I'll bring video games and wine coolers!

I did a hell of a lot of reading while I was laid up in bed. Non-spoilery thoughts to follow!

Fables: Animal Farm: Wow, they stepped up the darkness and violence in this arc! And I'm not complaining, it just took me a little by surprise. Still very much enjoying this series, and love the characters. And I see what you mean about the art, zinjadu, but I honestly like the changes. I kind of want to cosplay Rose Red at some point. I can't thank nekokoban enough for getting me started on it!

Pet Shop of Horrors: Toyko V2: I think I actually do like the Tokyo series better than the original. I've always had a very soft spot in my heart for Pet Shop of Horrors - my first exposure being years and years ago, when I bought the 'movie' on VHS - bootleg, unbeknowest to me. There's just this wonderful Twilight Zone/Outer Limits feel to it, moreso in Tokyo than the original. And is it just me, or is there more humor? D seems a little more...whimsical. (And, um, I kind of want to seek out fic. I don't even know why.) Definitely eager to get my hands on the next volume!

Runaways: Tore through the second two trades, and holy crap! Love it. Love the characters, love the plot, love the twists, loved everything. And I can safely say that I absolutely loved how the pairings ended up. (I totally called one in volume 2, and was happy to see I was right and not just hoping. :D) There's...more of this series, right? I mean, it's still going on in monthly issues, right? Because I need more. Thank you so much, attilatehbun, for sending me these!

I also read two of the Dark Angel companion books, which I very much enjoyed and...recommend to anyone who liked the show, basically. They're pretty typical for companion books, but the ones I've read so far make a damn good effort to keep the feel and world of the series preserved, which is a step above a great many other volumes for various series.

As for my whacky email from yesterday, I deleted it and blocked the email address, because as hilarious as it was, I don't feel up to attempting to investigate or figure out what this person has against me. I would have responded to the weird review, too, but it was anon with no email left. I shall only say that if someone has trouble finding fluffy Roy/Hughes fic on, they're doing something wrong.

I need to do laundry now, because I am completely out of clean clothing! Then it's back to RP!

health, more random than normal, comics, books

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