Mar 16, 2011 23:55
My brother is bathing now, when I want to bathe. Rawr. No bath, no youtube= no music to keep my company while waiting for him to be done.
Things are going nicely with my life. CA3 was not such a bummer, either because I was completely scarred by CA2 and therefore has supremely lowered expectations for my CA3 performance, or because I studied. I highly suspect that it was more of the first than the second. At any rate, my answers were probably incredibly trivial and superficial and general- I read through one of my essays just before the bell went and was dismayed at the lack of detail that was bursting out of my skull but evidently not landing on paper. And I spent the ENTIRE CA writing like in a frenzy. Compare this to the one hour of sleep/slack time I had for CA1.
I know I could've done better. But this time around, I think I can blame a lack of exam skills [time managing, pre exam mcq/meq practice frenzies] than lack of true knowledge, which is slightly comforting.
Life in general. I went for everything with fries with the OG, and about half the og turned up, which is a bloody miracle. Went down to plaza sing with the bukit timah boys, walked allllll the way from plaza sing to taka, bought my missing David Eddings [don't tell my papa! ): ] from Kino, went home and collapsed with a major, major headache that food and copious amounts of water failed to solve. I spent my weekend doing nothing work related, and then felt incredibly rejuvenated, going back to school! BRING IT ON, PROS.
Since then, i've been mugging the neck and revising bits of my upper limb. I've gone back to writing stuff on my arms, so they look like I tattooed really cool stuff on my arms. Like you know, bible verses, and quotes from kinky poets, and quotes from famous people in latin and greek and other dead languages. [Except greek isn't a dead language, pardon the generalisation!] But the reality is much more silly. I've got stuff like brachioradialis and flexor carpi ulnaris and extensor pollicis longus scribbled over my forearm. Which is your cue to say: That's all GREEK to me! ;D
Today was a wonderful wonderful day, where I went for a buffet lunch to celebrate Daniel's birthday, and I bought a skull. I whole damn skull, ya'll! His name is Sir Nicholas, or Sir Nick for shirt, after the Nearly Headless one from harry potter. He is currently sitting on a chair in the stairwell with a post-it stuck to the front of his cranium, bearing a speech bubble that says: PLEASE WAKE ME UP TOMORROW!
Because medical students buy skulls for the sole purpose of sticking reminder post-its on them.
No, I'm just kidding. About the purpose. My seniors found having a skull really useful, and I suppose i could justify my expenditure by saying that I really will use it and study it, but the main driving factor was the novelty. Of having a skull sit atop your notes and stare/grin at you. Please don't judge me so badly! Other girls carry around Coach bags and Kate Spade wallets. I'd like a skull, I guess. Anyway I feel really guilty now, because it's something I can live without. Plus I exacerbated it by buying a pair of shoes that I didn't need but was pretty. Even though it was less than 20 bucks.
BUT STILL. -wrestles with guilt-
At any rate, my junior just messaged to say that she'd submitted her EIS application!
It seems like ages ago when we did that. I remember staring at the brachial plexus and complaining to everyone who would listen that it was so stupid, because it's got 5 roots and 5 branches, but the 5 roots have to go through this complex merge and divide before becoming the 5 branches. And thinking that studying the arm was incredibly difficult. The amount of knowledge gained in several months is astounding and makes me feel like an idiot for saying stupid things. It also makes me feel like an idiot when I think what my seniors think of juniors [ been there, done that, you are so far away in terms of stuff learnt ]. I'm sure they don't mean it condescendingly, but you can't help but feel distanced by the difference in knowledge.
Never mind, in 5 years there will be a massive leveller not called death but called the MBBS final exams. And then we will all be doctors, yay.
Speaking of exams, helped out in exam dinner welfare on Tuesday. Then went out with sun for dinner. It is SO cool to do grown up things like drive to a hawker centre to recce food stalls and then eat dinner and then drive home and talk about needing to pump petrol and about books from the library and about what the family has been doing. :D
life in general,