Remus/Sirius -- The Note (R)

Jul 15, 2005 00:51

Title: The Note
Rating: R
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Kink(s): shower sex (and it really is this time. XD)
Challenge: Lusty Month of May Marathon, day twenty-nine
Words: 1213
Notes: Sorry I'm behind on comments, I'll reply to everything tonight! :)

Repost of the LMoMM fic - day twenty-nine

The note Remus had received earlier that morning still had him puzzled. He knew who it was from; that was the easy part. Though Sirius had tried to disguise his handwriting to make the note "anonymous", there was a tilt to the words that was so Sirius. That and the fact that the note had used the nickname of "Moony". And while there were two other boys who called him Moony, neither of them would have invited him "out for a night of pleasure (pleasure was almost completely scratched out) mischief."

If the note had been without the scratch out, Remus wouldn't have been able to guess between the three boys. Yet, that one word gave Sirius away in a heartbeat. He never stopped to think that Sirius may have wanted to give himself away like that.

Sirius liked a good prank, so why would he give himself away? That seemed to be the million dollar question.

It was out of curiosity that Remus went to the designated meeting place that afternoon. The entrance hall seemed a very odd (and very public for that matter) place for a tete a te, but who was Remus to complain? He stuffed the note into the pocket of his trousers and descended the final set of stairs to the entrance hall.

"Ah, Remus. So good of you to come," Sirius said, wrapping his arms around Remus from behind, making Remus jump a mile as he hadn't heard Sirius come up behind him. "Did I surprise you?" he asked with a grin, referring to Remus nearly jumping out of his skin a moment previous.

Remus rolled his eyes, wriggling to get out of Sirius's grasp. "No, you didn't. Knew the note was from you and I want to know what you're planning."

Sirius's face fell. "You weren't surprised... even just a little bit?"

Instantly Remus felt bad for his words. He smiled and stepped closer to Sirius, lightly (and quickly) kissing him on his cheek. "You surprised me down here. That counts."

Sirius forced a smile, slipping his arm around Remus. "C'mere. I have a real surprise for you. But you have to close your eyes the entire time otherwise it won't be a surprise."

Remus raised an eyebrow suspiciously. When Sirius had ideas like this and said keep your eyes closed, the end prize was never good. It either meant there was something bad at the other end or that Sirius had done something vaguely illegal. Remus wasn't sure which of the two evils he would have chosen in that moment.

Yet, he still did what Sirius asked. Going solely by feel and Sirius's hand in his, Remus walked to wherever Sirius was going to lead him to. He knew he was helpless in this instance and hated the feeling.

They stopped after nearly five minutes of walking and Remus was so turned around that he couldn't have said where they were for a hundred galleons. Part of him wondered if they were even in the castle anymore.

Then, he heard the sound of running water.

Remus's eyes flew open to look at Sirius. "Where the devil are we?"

"Boy's bathroom," Sirius replied with a grin. "Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to fuck in a shower?"

With eyes as wide as dinner plates, Remus looked up at Sirius. "N-not p-particularly," he replied, stuttering slightly.

"Come on, Moony... you've never thought about it? Thought about what it would be like to feel me thrust into you from behind; hot water running all over us while we did the deed... all the sensations? You've never thought about it?"

Remus groaned softly, his trousers suddenly feeling far too tight. Shaking his head, Remus looked up at Sirius. "Never thought about it..." Sirius's face fell. "Until now... and I rather like the idea," Remus continued.

With an impish grin on his face, he wrapped a hand around Sirius's tie, pulling him into the boy's bathroom.

Their kisses became more and more frantic as they removed each other's clothing; leaving it in a pile in the changing room. Remus, the usual neat freak, didn't care that his clothes were in a pile getting wrinkled. All that mattered was Sirius's hands touching him everywhere as they fumbled backwards towards the shower.

"Slower," Sirius said around a kiss or five, "don't want to slip and fall."

"I'll catch you," Remus mumbled against his lips, pulling him into the shower stall.

For someone who was scared to have sex in the shower, Remus had pulled himself together very quickly. Or perhaps it was simply the promise of having Sirius that made him regain his nerve and his confidence. Sirius wasn't sure which but he wasn't about to care. He loved when Remus had confidence like this.

Their hands touched and explored each other's bodies while the hot water poured down on them. Remus giggled (though he would deny it later) as Sirius turned him around in the small stall, beginning to wash him off.

"May as well get clean," Sirius said, drawing the washcloth down Remus's back and along the cleft of his arse, teasing Remus the lower he got.

"I don't think sex is getting clean," Remus replied, pushing back against Sirius. "If anything, we're going to get even messier in here."

Sirius grinned. "Why do you think we're in the shower?"

For once, Remus didn't have an automatic response.

Conversation died then as words became superfulous. With Sirius's fingers pushing inside him and stretching him, there really was no need for words beyond 'yes', 'more' and 'don't stop'.

Remus flung a hand out against the steam covered glass door to steady himself as Sirius pushed into him from behind. He never got over the simple pleasure of feeling Sirius inside him. It simply was... something he cherished and loved more than anything.

That Sirius was here in the shower, planning this out beforehand to surprise him only made Remus grin. Sirius was his and no one else's... and that made him the luckiest man in the world.

The only sign anyone was in their shower stall was the perfectly formed handprint standing out from among beads of water. Steam had risen around the hand and where Remus's hand had pressed into the glass of the door, it was the only section that was clear. Water droplets ran in small rivulets from the handprint and where the hand had rested there was no longer a complete door of steam to block Sirius and Remus from view. Of course, one had to know what they were looking for in order to see two men through that one handprint, but Remus knew it was possible.

The handprint also looked different. It wasn't just a handprint, but the angle... it looked like it was made by someone had felt sheer ecstasy at the time.

If Sirius thrusting into him wasn't ecstasy, Remus didn't know what was.

Remus just hoped that one handprint wasn't that noticeable.

Well, it was either the handprint or the two sets of legs one could see from underneath the door.

One of the two was bound to give him away.

But with Sirius pounding into him, the hot water streaming around their bodies, Remus didn't give a damn.


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