Remus/Sirius -- Diagon Alley (NC-17)

Jul 15, 2005 00:41

Title: Diagon Alley
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Kink(s): public sex
Challenge: Lusty Month of May Marathon, day twenty-two
Words: 1980
Notes: repost of the LMoMM fic - day twenty-two

Diagon Alley. Not exactly the place Remus would have chosen to meet up with Sirius for the first time after the long summer holidays. From the owls he had been receiving almost daily, Remus knew things at Grimmauld were on a downward spiral; one that Sirius couldn't stop no matter how hard he tried.

Thus, Remus would have liked some place very private where they could have had some 'alone' time. Of course, alone time would have consisted of about five minutes talking about the past summer and an hour of re-exploring each other's bodies.

At least they knew where each other's priorities lie.

But alas, a private meeting was not to be and the two lovers were stuck wandering around Diagon Alley with James and Peter tagging around.

It was at times like this that Remus was sure the world was out to get him.

"Oi! Moony! Over here!!"

Remus turned to see two black haired boys coming towards him waving furiously. His face broke out into a large grin seeing two out of his three best friends. The only one they were waiting for was Peter.

"I'm right here!"

Turning, Remus saw the pudgy boy coming out of one of the shops; a parcel under his arm. Apparently Peter had already gotten the jump on him where shopping was concerned. Running his hand through his hair, Remus remained stationary, waiting for his three best mates to come to him; rather than trying to meet any of the others half way.

The worst part was that Remus couldn't even embrace Sirius. The others didn't know of their relationship.

Two years since that first "date" and they were still clueless. Never in his wildest dreams did Remus expect anyone to be that dense..

Apparently, Sirius's family was.

Sirius pulled Remus into a bone-crushing hug as soon as he saw him. Closing his eyes, Remus buried his nose in the crook of Sirius's neck, smelling his scent of soap and musk and that scent that was so uniquely Sirius. He released Remus so abruptly that Remus stumbled; off-balance for a moment before he could catch himself.

"Hey, you alright there, Moony?" James asked after Sirius greeted him with much the same type of hug.

Remus nodded, swallowing the immediate pang of jealously that swelled into his throat. Even Peter got a huge hug from Sirius. Remus sighed, knowing why Sirius hugged all three, but it didn't mean he had to like it.

Walking back towards Remus, Sirius swung his arm around Remus's shoulder, pressing into him hip to hip. Remus bit his lip, feeling Sirius already hard against his thigh. He struggled to keep from laughing at the old Wizarding adage.

Is that a wand in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

Remus knew from personal experience that it was no wand in Sirius's pocket.

He leaned into the embrace just slightly, needing as much contact from Sirius as he could get.

"We're going off to the Quidditch Supply Store," Sirius said, glancing at the other two. "And we're going alone as I need a gift for his sorry arse," he finished, thumbing his hand at James.

"I want to come too!" Peter whinged, stamping his foot.

Sirius shook his head. "Oh no you don't. Last year you blabbed what Prongs's gift would be the minute we got on the train."

"Did not!" Peter replied indignantly.

"Wormtail, you stay with me," James replied. "We're going on a hunt for Miss Lily Evans."

Peter snickered. "For the chance to watch her hex your ears off again, I'll come."

James sighed as he walked away, Peter in tow. "Wormtail. You're supposed to help me... not laugh at me."

Sirius grinned watching the two walk away. As soon as the other two Marauders were out of sight, Sirius grabbed Remus's hand, pulling him off-balance once again and into an alley not far from where they were standing. This time, Remus wasn't able to catch his balance and when they stopped went crashing into Sirius's chest.

This, however, didn't bother Sirius one bit.

"Look what I caught," Sirius mumbled under his breath, cupping Remus's face in his hands.

Remus glanced about the alley. It was dark, yes, but there was a steady stream of people walking by at the entrance. Was Sirius out of his bloody mind?

The moment Sirius kissed him, Remus said yes. But it had been so long since he had had any sort of contact with Sirius that he wasn't about to complain.

Remus placed his hands over Sirius's, cradling his own face along with Sirius's hands as Sirius's tongue explored his mouth. He leaned into Sirius, feeling his 'wand' against his thigh once again; harder than earlier. A soft moan escaped Remus's lips as his tongue duelled with Sirius's. Sirius kissed him like if he could have crawled inside Remus's mouth, he would have.

The pulled apart, breathless; Sirius with a wicked glint in his eye. Remus turned to exit the alley and head on to Quality Quidditch Supplies when Sirius's hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I... well, I thought," Remus stammered.

Sirius shook his head. "A ruse. We'll get there later," he said walking towards Remus and wrapping his hands around him from behind. Sirius rubbed against Remus, the bulge in his trousers fitting perfectly into the cleft of Remus's arse. "We have two days in Diagon and I haven't seen you in three months."

Remus turned his head to look at Sirius. "You can't be..."

Sirius nodded. "Yes," he said. "No one will ever find us," he finished, guiding Remus back to the wall. "If we're quiet, no one will ever be the wiser."

Looking at Sirius, Remus's lust began to win out over his trepidation. They were about to have sex in a very public place where anyone could walk in on them. If they were discovered... well, it was now up to Sirius to get them out of it.

Remus smirked, undoing his trousers. "I've heard you during sex. You're louder than a wildcat."

Sirius pushed Remus against the wall and Remus felt his back scrape against the rough brick. The only consolation he had to the brief pain was Sirius's hand encircling his cock. "And you're even louder than I am..."

The lingering word "werewolf" went unsaid between them.

Sirius flipped Remus around after he undid his trousers enough to free his own cock. He pushed Remus's hair aside, lightly kissing the nape of his neck as he rubbed against him once again, moaning softly at the feel of skin against skin.

"'ve missed you, Moony," Sirius mumbled against the skin of his neck.

"Missed you too," Remus replied, his hands resting on the rough brick of the alley wall. He knew already that his palms would be cut up nicely before the end. "Now would you just fuck me already? A man could die from impatience with you."

"My impatient Moony."

Sirius couldn't help but chuckle as he retrieved his wand from his trousers to cast a lubrication spell. It wasn't one they used often as they preferred preparing each other the "old fashioned" way, but Sirius wasn't exactly about to walk around with a jar of oil in his pocket.

Remus rocked back against Sirius, feeling his insides stretch and warm with the spell. He tossed his head back onto Sirius's shoulder, his eyes closed. Sirius paused in his movement forward to just look at Remus. How he could see himself as ugly or unwanted was beyond Sirius. Seeing him like this, just before sex with his eyes closed and waiting to be completed... was quite possibly one of the most erotic sights on the face of the earth.

And Sirius would know. He'd seen erotic before and nothing compared to his Moony.

"You're beautiful," he said, kissing Remus's brow as he began to slide into him.

Biting back a groan, Remus pushed back from the wall, the palms of his hands digging into the brick. He forced Sirius inside him; needed to feel him.

"'m not," Remus replied once Sirius was completely sheathed inside.

"Are too and don't argue with me," Sirius said, his hips working in and out of Remus's arse, jerkingly at first until they began to build up a rhythm between them.

Remus bucked back against Sirius, forcing his thrusts harder and faster. All through Sirius's thrusts into him, he remained silent; good to his word. Sirius on the other hand, was left panting with silent moans as his hands ran over Remus's still clothed chest; working their way down to his cock. He had just reached Remus's cock when he felt a pair of eyes on them. Remus hadn't noticed them so he wasn't going to say anything.

However, the interlopers spoke first.

"What in the blazes! Remus.... and Sirius!?"

Remus's hips stilled immediately. He turned his head slowly towards the entrance of the alley, his eyes slightly hazy from lust and the fact that he had been very near to orgasm but not allowed to come due to this intrusion. Remus remained completely silent and Sirius didn't have to look down at his lover to know that Remus's face was as red as the brick walls that surrounded them. He rested a hand on the wall beside Remus's head, still not pulling out of Remus.

"'lo Prongs; Wormtail," Sirius said with a grin. "Pleasant day for a ride, isn't it?"

Remus felt like disappearing through a hole in the ground but only James cracked a smile at Sirius's words. Peter still looked aghast at the scene before him.

"Something tells me you're the only one 'riding' anything, Padfoot," James said with half a laugh. "Come on, Wormtail, let's leave them to their privacy." James glanced at the entrance to the alley. "You won't tell your dorm mates you're fucking, but you'll fuck in an alley. You have a warped sense of logic, Padfoot."

"Don't I know it," Remus mumbled under his breath.

With a wave of their hands, Peter and James beat a hasty retreat. Remus collapsed against the wall after James and Peter made their quick exit; suddenly quite aware of Sirius's body behind him. There was nothing like being caught unawares by your two best mates pre-orgasm to completely ruin the mood. Remus sighed, resting his forehead on the rough brick wall of the alley.

"Now that's what I call getting caught with your hand in the proverbial cookie jar," Sirius said with a laugh, kissing Remus's shoulder.

Remus turned in an attempt to look Sirius in the eye; a move made somewhat uncomfortable by their current position.

"You have a very funny way of describing my arse," Remus replied. "A cookie jar?" he asked after a pause.

Sirius shrugged, slipping out of Remus. They weren't going to recapture the moment anytime soon. He did up his trousers, running a hand through his hair while he waited for Remus to do the same.

"I could comment further, but I'll get the standard Moony shake of the head and a 'you're incorrigible', so I won't. You'll just always have to wonder."

Remus chuckled and shook his head remaining true to form. "Then I'll refrain from saying anything."

Sirius slipped his hand into Remus's, leading him from the alley.

"What do you say we go back to our room at the Leaky Cauldron and finish what we attempted to start here?" Sirius suggested.

Remus grinned. "Best idea you've had all day."

Sirius glared at Remus. "Excuse me, but I thought this was a fairly good idea."

"Save the fact that we could have been discovered at any moment," Remus said with a shake of his head. "Like we were," he added.

"Call it a thrill," Sirius said with a shrug.

"You're incorrigible."

"And you're predictable."


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