Remus/Hermione -- Office Visit (Hard R/NC-17)

Jul 15, 2005 00:37

Title: Office Visit
Rating: Hard R to NC-17
Pairing: Remus/Hermione
Kink(s): fairly vanilla.
Challenge: Lusty Month of May Marathon, day eighteen
Words: 972
Notes: Repost of the LMoMM fic - day eighteen


Glancing up from his paperwork, Remus smiled when he saw the sleight form of Hermione Granger in his doorway. She shifted somewhat nervously on her feet and Remus thought it odd to see some bit of nervousness coming from the girl. The entire year he'd known her, not once had he ever known her to be uncomfortable; especially when with a professor.

"Can I help you, Miss Granger?"

Hermione nodded, entering the office and closing the door behind herself. Remus's brow furrowed slightly, silently questioning the girl's odd behaviour.

"I... I wanted to ask you for... some... clarification on today's lesson."

Remus tilted his head slightly, biting his lower lip. "Today's lesson, Miss Granger? There was no Defence class today."

Hermione shook her head, her voice growing low. "No... I meant... what you taught today."

If it was possible for Remus's eye brows to reach his hairline, the two would have met easily.

"You mean... the sex ed class I was forced to teach?" Hermione nodded this time, staring at the floor. "Miss Granger," Remus continued, "what... clarification do you need?"

Hermione licked her lips and looked up at Remus, swallowing hard.

"A demonstration."

Remus was glad he was sitting down, otherwise he knew he would have collapsed in a chair and that would have looked... well... Hermione was already nervous enough as it was.

"A... a demonstration...?" Remus barely managed to gasp out.

Hermione just nodded. "I... if you please, sir." She looked him over, walking towards the desk, the girlish nervousness suddenly gone and replaced with something... Remus had no idea she had in her.

And suddenly his trousers were quite tight.

"Well... I... I'm not supposed to," Remus said, pulling on his collar. When did it become so warm in his office?

Hermione stalked towards him, and Remus began to wonder which was the act: the earlier nervous flower or the current sultry temptress. Merlin forgive him, but he was being tempted.

"Who would ever find out?" Hermione asked, sitting herself down on the edge of the desk.

When she sat down, Remus realised just how short her skirt really was. He shook his head slightly, wondering when kids today were growing up into adults, but he also knew his "class" today had played a fairly big part of it. Remus stood and Hermione spread her legs slightly in invitation.

"You never know," Remus said, pressing a light kiss to her forehead. "These walls have eyes."

Hermione smiled, taking Remus's hand and sliding it up her skirt. "I'll take my chances."

Remus allowed Hermione to lead his hand upwards and the farther up her leg his hand went, he soon came to realise she wasn't wearing any panties. He bit his lip, feeling his cock straining in the confines of his trousers now. Kissing her (and glad for the lack of panties), Remus slipped a finger inside her cunt. Hermione tossed her head backwards, her legs spreading wider spread-eagle fashion. Remus slipped a second finger inside her, his thumb rubbing her clit.

Moving on the desk, skewing the parchments Remus had been grading, Hermione writhed on the Remus's hand; softly whimpering for more. Remus didn't give in until he was sure he gave Hermione her first orgasm. It was then that he withdrew his hand, unbuttoning his trousers and revealing his erection.

For the first time, uncertainty showed in Hermione's eyes. Lightly Remus kissed her lips, hooking Hermione's legs around his waist.

"You're fine," Remus whispered. "It'll hurt briefly, remember?" Hermione nodded. "Then it'll be fine. I promise I'll go slowly."

Hermione squeezed her legs around Remus's waist as he began to slide into her. He moved slowly, giving her time to adjust to his thickness inside her. Reaching the barrier that would remove her virginity, Remus kissed her again in an attempt to take her mind off the brief pain. He pushed through, swallowing Hermione's cry in his kiss. He pulled away from her, completely sheathed inside her.

"There..." He whispered, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"You... you're..." Hermione breathed, moving her hips experimentally.

Remus nodded. "Yes."

He cupped her arse with his hands, lifting her off the desk slightly as he began to thrust into her. It didn't take long for Hermione to pick up on the movement, rocking against him and using her legs for leverage. Her hands ran through his hair and together they moved, Remus using Hermione for balance to remain standing as he moved inside her.

Hermione reached her peak first, her inner muscles clenching around him. Remus came shortly after, spilling inside her. He quickly whispered the anti-conception charm he had taught the class earlier that day as the last thing either of them needed... well, that was one sentence he didn't want to finish.

With a final kiss, Remus pulled out of Hermione, quickly doing up his trousers. He ran a hand through his hair quickly in a vain attempt to flatten any of the damage done by Hermione. Clearing his throat, Remus looked back at Hermione.

"Enough... clarification for you?"

Hermione smiled and nodded, the innocent air from when she first came into the office suddenly came back. "Yes, thank you, professor."

Hermione left Remus's office and the werewolf collapsed in his chair, his head in his hands. He knew he had just violated a line between student and teacher that was never to be crossed, but... he hadn't been able to help himself.

And it wasn't as if he had taken advantage of her. Hermione had initiated it after all.

With a sigh, Remus picked up his quill and resumed grading parchments. His hand froze when he reached for the paper Hermione's arse had sat on while he fucked her.

It had been her latest Defence essay.

Merlin bless the man who invented irony.


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