From the Spice Mines files

Feb 10, 2011 22:46

I totally left out a story from my post last night. I'm going to put it behind a cut, 'cuz it really deserves to be behind something.

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned here my office's unholy love of our harassment policy and references thereof. Big Bossman is constantly saying, 'let me refer you to the harassment policy' whenever there is an office get together, because he knows at some point someone is going to say something that could potentially offend anyone in the office or at least make people blush. Of course we are all 'willing participants' and I don't think one person has not made an off-colored remark during our office gatherings.

That being said, I must take you back in time to a couple of weeks ago when I was suffering through what seemed like my third cold in as many weeks. I was totally rocking the husky voice on a Monday morning when the Big Bossman came in. He stopped at my desk, as he usually does, and immediately starts listing off things he needs done and then dictates an email he wants me to type up. After a particularly long paragraph, BB asks me to read it back to him. I do and then look up to find him just kind of staring. He then proceeded to make a show of seeing if anyone was around that could hear him, referred himself to the harassment policy and then said:

Big Bossman: You know, you could totally make some extra money on the side being an "operator" (he totally did the air quotes). You know, one of those that charges $2.99 a minute. Now, I'm not saying what kind of operator. I wouldn't say that. But I think you'd make a good one.

After a slightly awkward silence we went back to the dictation and then he skedaddled.

You'd think that would have been the end of it, right? Nope. He walked by my desk a few hours later and said:

Big Bossman: During the peak times, you could charge $4.99.

And then he walked away.

what harassment policy?, spice mines

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