Haha, I HATE labels :}
So I suppose you'd call me a hypocrite for posting in this community.
But I was just curious to see what the labeling world would classify yours truly as.
What should we call you?: Anna
Age: 16
D.O.B.: April 3rd, 1990
Location: I don't like being asked where I live by people I don't know.
Sex: Female
Sexual Preference: Straight
Band(s): A LOT. But if I had to name a few: Sufjan Stevens, Explosions in the Sky, Neutral Milk Hotel, The Mountain Goats, The Mars Volta, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Tegan and Sara, Mirah, The Spinto Band, The Strokes, Bjork, The Shins, The Flaming Lips, Guillemots, The Helio Sequence, Le Tigre, The Living End, Mae, Pretty Girls Make Graves, Tears For Fears, The Unicorns, ABBA.
Sorry but I could not narrow it down any further.
Singer(s): Sufjan!
Song as of this moment: Pink Bullets by The Shins.
Movie(s): Donnie Darko, Labyrinth, A Beautiful Mind, Pretty in Pink, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Anastasia, the original Star Wars trilogy, The Ring, etc.
Actor/Actress: I'm not really interested with celebrities.
Color: Every color.
Quote: Psalms 55:22
T.V. show(s): I don't really watch TV. Except for Cartoons or Judge Judy.
Book(s): I read a lot. Some favorites are The Screwtape Letters, The Lord of the Rings & The Chronicles of Narnia (who hasn't read them?), Cut, The Seer and the Sword, Gingerbread, Speak, How I Live Now, To Kill A Mockingbird, Jane Eyre, The Giver, Gathering Blue, The Last Book in the Universe, my Bible, etc.
Animal(s): Cats and birds (Swallows are pretty).
*Opinions* Be as honest as possible.
Labels: ...are for cans of soup, not people.
One current event: Strap yourselves in: I was blessed with the amazing opportunity to visit south rural India last September and see how the people live. Coming back to America, you see how fortunate and blessed we are, yet also realize even more how ungrateful, ignorant, and blind to anyone else's problems but our own we can be at times. Not everyone, not all the time, but let's face it, most of the time. Myself included.
HOWEVER, Don't you dare tell me how God sucks, church sucks, Christianity sucks, life sucks. You haven't stood in a hut and seen people that are nothing but skin and bones with twisted limbs praise God like I have, when these people have absolutely nothing but the dirty clothes on their back, even though their lives could be taken away at any moment for believing what they do and worshipping God in a Hindu/Muslim area. You haven't seen little children in an orphanage that would have otherwise had to toil in the hot, humid Indian jungle working for food instead of getting an education.
I'll never forget a little boy, who came up to my kneecaps in height, thin and frail, whose mother became a Christian, and whose drunken Muslim father became enraged at her and and either lit her on fire or burned her with acid alive. The little boy thinks that his mother did it herself, because the missionaries think it's too traumatic to tell him his father was the one who actually brutally murdered his mother and got away with it and is still lurking out there just yet. Yet that little boy gets up every morning before all the other little children, gets on his knees and prays, thanking God, when we can go home on our computers and myspace blog how crappy our lives are.
Organized Sports: Currently none. Used to do basketball and synchro.
Cliques/Social Groups: I hang out with people I like. I'm in a band if that counts for anything.
Gangs (like bloods, crips, whatever): Stupid.
Radio: Whatever's on, I guess
MTV: Ehhh
MTV2: Ehhh
VH1: Ehhh
Fuse(Much Music, same thing): Ehhh
National News (CNN, Fox News etc.): I read news online a lot
Drugs (Meds, recreational. Whichever stirs you): None except the inhaler I take for asthma.
Alcohol use: Nope.
Any pets?: A chihuahua named Ruby
Piercings & tattoos? Post pictures if you'd like: Just twice in each ear. Hopefully my nose soon.
Why'd you pick the username you did?: Because I thought being on fire sounded kind of cool at the time. A kind of spiritual fire.
What are your pet peeves?: Loud, obnoxious chewing, people ungrateful for what they have, people with no regard for anyone but themselves, and ICP.
What's your style like? (picture?): whatever I feel like.
What's your attitude like?: I'm pretty optimistic, friendly, outgoing. I try to be as open-minded as I can. I don't like lying or being hypocritical. I don't like being rude or shallow or vain. I like making people smile, helping people, being there for people to talk to.
What are your friends like? (pictures?): Amazing.
What are your hobbies?: Reading, Writing, Singing, playing/creating music.
What is one thing that is important to you?: God.
How do you like school?: It's ok. I want to get enrolled in an arts program, though.
How'd you find this community? (be specific): My friend.
Why do you think WE should accept YOU?: Haha I don't. Like I said, I just want to see what you people would think of me. The rules said that's OK.
What are you most commonly labeled?: I'm not. If I am, it's just my friends joking around because they know I don't like being labeled.
If you were to label yourself, what your label be?: I'd be me. Plain and simple.
please promote in 1 place and provide a link (try to avoid promo communities):
the_polaroidsPlease post at least 2 decent pics including 1 full body shot: Full body = nope. Posting pictures anywhere online is pretty stupid and dangerous, but we all do it anyway. So why make it less safe?
I wear kitty ears.
I'll probably leave after seeing what people think of me.
Unless a brave soul can convince me why a labeling community is worth staying in.