Many heartfelt thanks to
djm4 who got up at 5am to make me tea so I could lurch off to Worcester at 5.30 in at least a caffeinated fashion.
I then had the joy of working on the train for 3 hours, my stomach rejecting the idea of croissants for breakfast (luckily 2 minutes before having to change in Bristol), a three-hour meeting with NO coffee or lunch or even breaks which showed that the last year of our work may have been wasted. [summary: they told us for months that yes, when they move to their new system we will still have access to all the data we currently do, don't worry, we don't need to talk about it. Today - oh yeah it's going to be in such a different format you won't be able to read it with any of your existing software. I managed not to swear at them]
Also worked 3 hours on the train back. Luckily despite a 4-way road being reduced to 1 lane I still made my train (so got to pick the quatlet up), and had just enough time to be made a sizzling bacon butty at the station. It wasn't the best ever but it was wonderful.
Many thanks also to
conflux who made me dinner. It's going to be an interesting couple months as I'm going to be doing around 2 full-time jobs, only without the time. So, badly.
In the meantime, the
quatlet is being delightful and loving nursery and didn't want to leave Toddler Room today. He's also wanting to use the potty apparently, so maybe I shouldn't buy more cute nappies? He was enticed out with the promise of leftover birthday cake, and spent the evening reciting "Toddler, Preschool, Preschool, Toddler Room, Toddler Room, Preschool." He's got to wait half his life again before he can go to preschool. I won't be surprised if like me he announces he wants to move out and have his own house aged four...
And did anyone see Who do you think you Are? with Alan Cumming just now?
Avoiding spoilers: OH MY GOD!!!
What a story.