Sep 09, 2005 16:40
A while back I received a grovelling letter from the Cambridge Theatre apologising for the crapness of their staff in failing to get me the right gear or instructions for their infra-red hearing system to work, and offering me free tickets to their next production, Dancing in the Streets.
I imagine I can get two tickets, although more than that might be a bit cheeky. Anyone interested? It's the story of Motown, with appropriate song and dance.
I keep having to tell myself that it's not blagging, that I'm just getting the service I paid for previously, but I still find myself feeling a bit guilty. I've just phoned up and arranged seats for The Producers next weekend, as the website said the loop only worked in a few places, and so got 2 of 3 tickets below half price, despite obviously not needing a companion to look after me! On the other hand, I only consider paying £50 for a ticket in the first place because I know there's no point in being in the upper circle at £20 and not hearing a thing, especially for a musical. So I guess being given seats near the front of the stalls (where I can lipread too) for that price is really just the DDA in action.
Swings and roundabouts, I guess. But if anyone is trying to get good seats in a theatre and only crap ones seem to be available, I suggest taking me with you! :)
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