Well, maybe I shouldn't call her a girl. She isn't really anymore. But I haven't seen her since she was a pre-teener, a skinny kid who had her mother's wiry build and her father's fair coloring. Her father being my half brother, which makes Kim my one and only actual niece. Now, I've kept track of her as an aunt should, even and aunt who isn't
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I'm sorry to hear about Kim. I'll keep her in my prayers, and I hope she gets home safely. I'd really like to see Shrub impeached and the Republicans booted out of the House and Senate, but that belongs in the realm of wishful, if embittered and enraged, thinking.
As for Pam, good Lord. ::jaw hits the floor:: Not only is her response to you rude, it sounds like she's getting everyone in arm's reach to do her dirty work for her. Let me know if there's anything I can do--I know some other people who are having trouble with fundamentalist relatives, and who came up with some interesting ways of shutting them up.
(Well, aside from having someone go to their house and glue their teeth together. That would cost too much money.) ;)
I'm so glad to see you're feeling better!
May be awhile before I can answer, though, depending on how soon my Email comes out of its latest swoon...::sigh::
I just took a look, and . . . oh, my Lord. I don't see how you managed not to roast him alive. I've seen some patronizing piles of BS before, but this has taken the cake! And really, comparing fundamentalist religion to the fundamentals of engineering is like comparing goat turds to watermelons.
This will take awhile. I learned the game of out-politing the opponent while making a quiet move on the jugular a long time ago. Let's see if I still have it. I'll blind CC it to you if you're interested in seeing the next round.
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