Here's some pictures I drew today you ungreatfull bastards!
Thought these next two turned out particularly cute with the half picture of a little girl buttoning her pjs up. :-) How do you guys think i did? I REALLY need to work on my picture editing and coloring... Anyone know where/who/what can help me with this?
btw: Sara, this is the picture i promised. if you like it and want to keep the original drop by some time, or i could give it to Erica to give to you! If you had something spasific you wanted me to draw you let me know? ok ttyl!
Original drawn by me:
After color, and editing by me:
Ok on this next one i need some help. I'm not nearly finished with it, and it needs a ladies touch. Since i've been away from the female body for quite a while now (for reasons some of you already know), and have not gotten to study it i'm really off on this one. I'm going to ask all the ladies and guys that think they can help, (that are comfortable with it of corse) to please take a look at this next picture and let me know what i could do to imporove... The following areas are in need of work, and i need your help with them: sholder, chest, bottom, ancles, feet. the bottom half is horribly out of praportion... i cant qite tell egsactly what the problem is though, i know its more than jsut size. personaly i think i may have to re-do the entire bottom half over again *sigh* but i LOVE the face and hair this time and i'd hate to re-do the whole thing... help?!?!
Unfinished by me:
more Gir when i get to it, keep a lookout!