Title: gold, gold, and more gold
Author: kkamisama
Fandom/Characters/Pairing: exo jongdae/jongin, yifan/unknown
Rating/Warnings: g
Challenge # & Prompt: 003 & wedding
Word Count: 662
“I can feel you shaking,” Jongdae hums.
“I can feel me shaking too,” Jongin hisses back.
Silk tablecloth wrinkles in his hand and Jongdae has to rescue the beautiful fabric before Jongin’s sweat stains it.
Jongdae’s no royalty of course - he lounges with leopards and ink all day - but he can certainly find the great importance of the perfection in this event. King Yifan is getting married and the moment the news was out, preparations were immediately begun. And not of the Royal House, but his kingdom.
Yifan and his bride had already married, just the two of them, in a private altar. The luxurious foods and lavish gifts, dressy attire and sweet, sweet perfume, this is all for and from the public.
“It’s going to be fine, alright,” Jongdae continues, “He’s going to be fine, she’s going to be fine, we’re going to be fine, we’re all gonna be just wonderful.”
All he gets in return is more insistent grumbling and stink eye, so Jongdae asks him what he’s afraid of.
“Everything, Jongdae, everything. He’s my king, my inspiration and idol, of course I want the best for him. If someone were to screw this up I’ll be the last thing they see before they’re off to hell,” Jongin huffs resolutely.
Kim Jongin is not a peasant. Jongdae can see it in his confidence and his warm heart. He’s the king’s page, a servant, but not a peasant.
“You’re tough and all, but you wouldn’t fight anyone, that’s for sure,” Jongdae laughs.
Jongin scowls. “And how would you know?”
“Because I know you.”
Jongdae gives a dazzling smile before leaning over to press his lips to Jongin’s cheek, and pulling away he gets to witness the beginnings of his own grin.
They sit at the table closest to the stone platform, only one of many stretching out in the courtyard. The other upper servants are seated in the same row and the real royalty sit across. Everyone is dressed as if they were getting married as well. Jongdae shifts to watch the silvery cream silk fold and unfold; he never wears robes. Heavy are the gold bracelets and anklets against his skin, unfamiliar, but he feels expensive. Jongin’s spent the day praising and adoring his change of attire, said he looked gorgeous.
The extra arrangements were nothing to sneeze at either. Daisies scatter the courtyard like cinnamon over pastries. To the left of the stage a small ensemble awaits their cue, instruments glittering in the sunlight. Every guest has a handful of flower petals and gold flecks set in a wooden dish in front of them.
Jongdae thinks it’s all very extra and wanting to impress their king. How do you impress someone who has everything? he muses.
I guess you’d have to be her.
The bride and groom approach the platform from opposite sides, absolutely stunning in gold, gold, and more gold. The woman is absolutely lovely. Her richly tanned skin glows with aromatic oils and contrasts the ivory dress cascading down her figure. The simple circlet hugging her inky hair winks.
Jongin’s breath has paused for a while by the time both king and future queen stand together. A damp hand finds Jongdae’s beneath the table, and they both squeeze tightly in anticipation.
The priest then continues with the ceremony, welcoming the guests and honoring the deep connection of marriage. Vows are made and then Yifan’s cue is given.
As their lips inch closer Jongdae’s world is spun around and he’s staring into Jongin’s closed lids. Cheer and joy explodes with applause. Golden petals are thrown to dance in glee.
He missed the royals’ first kiss in marriage.
Jongin’s lips are sorely missed when he finally pulls away, taking Jongdae’s breath with him.
“I’ve kissed the groom,” Jongin teases.
Jongin is not a peasant, or royalty, or servantry, and neither is Jongdae. It didn’t matter.
He thinks this must be how the queen and her king feel.