Results #3

Jun 17, 2016 04:30

flow19 / all they say and more

i really loved the excitement you built up for a wedding from the guests expecting the bride, to the groom waiting for her. her wakeup call in the end really tied it together and left you with a sort of aching for the character. overall, i really liked the idea of your dream wedding against the real life situation.


dear flow19, please post challenge #3 before sunday 11:59 pago pago time, and note somewhere in your post that challenge #3 will end at 11:59pm pago pago time on thursday june 23.

note: remember that the challenge runner needs to read all the drabbles posted for the challenge in order to select the next winner, so if you think you won't be able to do that, please let us know! DM or tweet @thekpop100 if you have any questions!

other notes:
- feel free to cross-post your drabbles however and whenever you wish. It doesn't really affect the challenge in any way I can think of if they're cross-posted. If you post your drabbles to AO3, an AO3 collection has been set up here and it is linked in the sidebar as well.
- if you did not post a drabble for past challenges in time but still would like to, go right ahead! you can always post for past challenges.

congrats to the winner, and i definitely look forward to the future challenges! :' )

#003: wedding, ! results

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