Oct 21, 2005 22:57
so, twenty facts, is it?
1. i'm a total introvert, but i'm not too shy.
2. i like being the first one to make an effort at a friendship..as in decide to talk to the other person first.
3. when someone talks to me first in an effort to become friends i get nervous and don't talk too much. i try to figure them out before i look retarded.
4. i'm horrified of medication
5. i hate doctors.
6. i've got serious trust issues.
7. i convey myself better when i write what i want down in words rather than say it aloud.
8. i say a lot of things just to provoke people's demons and piss them off. i like to test my limits and push the boundaries.
9. i feel quite certain that i will pick up smoking, though i'm not too fond of it, when i get older.
10. i've created problems for myself knowing that i'll drink them away later.
11. i've created problems for myself just to see if i could surpress them like bad childhood memories
12. i've got a crush, but i'm not telling on who.
13. i love good books but my attention span won't let me get through the whole thing as fast as i'd like
14. i will consciously manipulate a situation to fit my needs knowing i can later just compliment the people i've screwed over and everything will be okay between us.
15. a lot of my alleged 'original' ideas are things i've ripped off from people no one likes thus they'll never know
16. i sleep best after a good cry...think ed norton's character in fight club.
17. i tend to live in the moment and not think about consequences which leads me to have to take on severe consequences...
18. i actually think i am as smart as i say i think i am. all my cockiness things (the things i'm cocky about?) i believe are true.
19. i search for attention in the wrong places.
20. i ask for forgiveness for things i know i'll just do again.