Arizona went to hell in a handbasket when schools allowed dancing.

Sep 19, 2011 12:11

Greg Patterson (Espresso Pundit) is a decent enough guy. From a shallow, public perspective he seems to have changed over the past eight (?) years of blogging. He used to come down into the comments and respond to the readers and he seemed to read other blogs and take points into consideration... but like a lot of conservatives, he really seems to have lost thethat sort of joie d'vive that made politics something you might actually feel good about. You could probably retitle "Espresso Pundit" to "Captain Ahab's Political Roundup and Whale Review" and no one would know the difference.

He makes some salient points in this post (The Good Old Days) about open meeting laws, but because he's too busy sharpening his harpoon for the Arizona Republic's nostalgia whale about things like "compromise" that he's lost perspective. Let me tighten up the post:

"Holy shit people! The Arizona Republic is talking fondly of the days when Arizona politicans didn't immediately fucking hate each other on sight because of their political affiliaitions and they could work together and get shit done for the people of Arizona. THESE POLITICIANS WOULD DRINK ALCOHOL TOGETHER! Why can't they subsist exclusively on clenched sphincthers and rage like we do today!?!?".

I do not trust people without vices. I like that Obama sneaks cigarettes. I like that McCain gets occasionally schnockered. I'm less thrilled about politicians cheating on their wives or husbands (looking at you Palin, Vitter, Weiner and Spitzer) as it speaks to deeper moral failings, but I'd rather they do that that have no other outlet in their lives other than to make life miserable for the rest of us (see: Santorum, Rick).

I used to think that the Espresso Pundit was plotting his way back to the State House, and maybe he still is, but I think he's crossed the Janet Contreras threshold in word and deed. His writings indicate little more political philosophy than "I HATE WHATEVER IT IS THAT DEMOCRATS OR PROGRESSIVES DO" and that's ultimately a destructive path. I mean, short of Arizona Republicans rounding up all Democrats, lining us up against the Mogollon Rim and shooting us all in the back of the head (which I've no doubt some GOPers masturbate too - looking at you Jack Harper*), you're going to have to work with Democrats in legislature and more importantly in YOUR FUCKING CONSTITUENCIES.

So, yeah, I do long for the days when Democrats and Republicans could sit together, enjoy each others company, work on legislation, and didn't see each other as an enemy to be hated.

I'm just funny that way.

* - A joke. I have no evidence Jack Harper masturbates to shooting Democrats in the back of the head. Or that he masturbates at all.
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